Kufriya statements of Deobandi Akabireen

Kufriya statements of Deobandi Akabireen

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Kufriya statements of Deobandi Akabireen

The Kufriya deobandi statements. Remember on these matters we Ahlus Sunnah differ with them. The topics like ilm ul Ghayb, Istighatha, Noor o Bashar, Mawlid etc... are secondary issues. 

Khalil Ahmad Ambethvi and Gangohi said in their own book Barahin al Qatiya: 

Shaytan and angel of death having comprehensive knowledge of world is proven from Nass. Where is such Nass for Prophet that you establish Shirk (Barahin al Qatiya pg 51) 


Aahraf Ali Thanvi said: 

Knowledge of unseen being ordered on the blessed personality of Prophet if according to Zaid is Sahih then we have to ask If it is partial knowledge of unseen or complete. IF PARTIAL IS MEANT THEN WHAT SPECIALITY PROPHET HAS, SUCH KNOWLEDGE OF UNSEEN IS EVEN GIVEN TO TOM DICK AND HARRY, CHILDREN, MAD MEN, AND ANIMALS (Hifz Ul Imaan pg 13) 


Ismail Dhelvi Wahabi said: Most highest of humans or dearest Angel in front of Allah's Majesty are more Zaleel (disgraced) than cobbler (Chamaar which is slang) (Taqwiyatul Imaan pg 57 Urdu version, Published by Riyaadh Saudi Arab). 


Ismael Dhelvi Wahabi interpolated a hadith and attributed to Prophet (Peace be upon him): Main bhi ek din mar kar mitti main milnay wala hoon. I too will die one day and intermingle with dust (disrespectful word is used in urdu)

(Taqwiyatul Imaan pg. 42) 


Note: Quran forbids to use word Ra'ina for Prophet PBUH.

Ismail Dhelvi or Abdul Hai Deobandi wrote: 

To completely immerse yourself in thought of Prophet (Peace be upon him) in prayer is far worst than thinking of a bull and donkey in prayer. (Siraat al Mustaqeem pg 86) 


Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi said: 

The possibility of lying means that It is in power of Allah to lie (Talifaate  Rasheediya pg 98) 


Qasim Nanotwi said: 

Assuming after the tenure of Prophet صلعم a Nabi is born then still it will not slightly effect his finality (Tahzirun Naas pg 34)


About Author:

Aamir Ibraheem

Aamir Ibrahim Al Hanafi

Islamic Researcher

Aamir Ibrahim al-Ash'ari is an Islamic researcher who sought and seeks knowledge in the company of great scholars. He is an author of many books and articles related to Islam and its defense. He follows Hanafi school in Fiqh. Ash'ari in creed, and is an admirer of Tassawuf.


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