Cursed Najd is in Saudi Arabia not Iraq.

Cursed Najd is in Saudi Arabia not Iraq.

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Cursed Najd is in Saudi Arabia not Iraq.

The Salafis/Wahabis (who call themselves Ahl ul Hadith) often say that Najd is Iraq and not areas in Saudi Arabia. They say Musnad Ahmad and Bukhari have one hadith pointing towards Iraq. Ibn Umar r.a also considered Najd to be Iraq. 

Answer: When these following 7 points are proven from Marfu hadiths of Prophet (Peace be upon him) then Najd can by no means refer to Iraq. The hadiths having word Iraq are Shaadh (odd), also the "MAWQUF" hadith from Ibn Umar (ra) cannot work in front of these glaring Marfu hadiths. 

1. Our Prophet (Peace be upon him) made different Miqaat for people coming from Iraq and those coming from Najd (Sahih Muslim # 2810, Sunnan Nasai'i #2657۔ Sahih). Hence it is established that Najd and Iraq in sight of Prophet were different places. 

2. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) pointed towards "FROM WHERE SUN RISES" (Musnad Ahmad 2/72 # 5410, Arabic version published by Mossasat al Qurtuba, Qahira. Hadith is Strong). In Madina the sun never rises from the side of Iraq but rises from within Saudi Arabia's Najd or Riyaadh. 

3. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) pointed towards the Hujra of Sayyidah Aisha (Bukhari # 3104). This also proves that pointing towards Aisha's house from pulpit cannot possibly be towards Iraq. Shia misuse such narrations too, however it does not refer to Sayyidah Aisha herself but the direction of east. 

4. The Prophet said: The horns of Satan will emerge from Rabi'a and Mudar (Bukhari # 3302, Muslim # 181, Musnad Ahmad # 12580, Urdu version published by Maktaba Rahmaniyyah). Both these tribes are from Saudi Arabia and not Iraq. 

5. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) pointed towards "EAST" (Bukhari # 3511, Muslim # 7292 and others). This pointing could never be towards Iraq as Iraq is towards Northern side of Madina not east. 

6. It is proven from Sahih Marfu hadith that the Prophet prayed for Iraq (Mu'jam at Tabrani as Sagheer # 273. Hadith is Authentic). Whereas The Prophet totally refused to pray for Najd. Hence proven that Najd cannot be Iraq. 

7. The narrations which mention Iraq are thus Shadh (odd) as they contradict above points.  

The first Kharji Dhul Khuwaisra was from Saudi Najd tribe of Banu Tamim. The fitnah of Malik bin Nuwaira who denied Zakaat, and became apostate, he was also from Saudi Najd Banu Tamim. Musaylma Kadhab who claimed to be Prophet was also from Saudi Najd. People involved in martyrdom of Sayyiduna Umar r.a included Bani Tamimi Najdis. People involved in martyring Sayyiduna Hussain also included Bani Tamimi Najdis. 

Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab the Kharji Najdi Qarn ash Shaytan was also from Saudi Bani Tamim tribe. 

About Author:

Aamir Ibraheem

Aamir Ibrahim Al Hanafi

Islamic Researcher

Aamir Ibrahim al-Ash'ari is an Islamic researcher who sought and seeks knowledge in the company of great scholars. He is an author of many books and articles related to Islam and its defense. He follows Hanafi school in Fiqh. Ash'ari in creed, and is an admirer of Tassawuf.


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