Finality of Prophethood (Khatm e Nabuwat)

Finality of Prophethood (Khatm e Nabuwat)

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Finality of Prophethood (Khatm e Nabuwat)

The unanimous Belief of Muslim world is that Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is the Last and Final Messenger/Prophet of Allah. In other words Prophethood has ended with Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)  and those who do not believe in it are ventured out of the bounds of Islam.

 This article is divided into different sections for better and clear understanding.

A) Lexicographical definitions

B) Proof from Quran in light of classical Mufasireen

C) Proof from overwhelming Sahih Ahadith

D) Consensus of Muslim scholars and Ummah

E) The Constitution Law of Pakistan (and declaration of Muslim world that Qadiyanis are Apostates/Kufaar)

F) The False Prophet  i.e Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani al- Kaddhab and his false claims

 Lexicographical definitions

 Imam Ibn Munzur [Born: 630 AH] and Allama Ismail bin Hammad al Juhri [Born: 332 AH], the reason why we have mentioned the birth dates of both these Imams is to make it clear that these Lexicographers wrote their works long before the Fitnah of Qadiyanism had even emerged. So It is clear that Muslim Ummah was and is still unanimous on the viewpoint that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the last Prophet and any claim of Prophothood after him is falsehood and trait of Dajjal/Kadhaab

Imam Ibn Munzur (rah) writes in Lisanul Arab:

محمد، صلى الله عليه وسلم، خاتِمُ الأَنبياء، عليه وعليهم الصلاة والسلام. التهذيب: والخاتِم والخاتَم من أَسماء النبي، صلى الله عليه وسلم. وفي التنزيل العزيز: ما كان محمد أَبا أَحد من رجالكم ولكن رسول الله وخاتِمَ النبيّين؛ أَي آخرهم

Translation: Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Last of Prophets (Salat and Salam on all), both the words Khatim and Khatam are names of Prophet, as is revealed in Al Aziz (i.e. Quran):” Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the Seal/Last of the Prophets; and Allah is ever Aware of all things” (33:40) THIS REFERS TO LAST/END (أَي آخرهم) [Lisanul Arab, Under the letter خ

Imam Ibn Munzur also said:

ومن أَسمائه العاقب أَيضاً ومعناه آخر الأَنبياء

Translation: And amongst the names (of Prophet) is Al- Aqib which means “The Akhir al Anbiya” I.e. The Last to come of Prophets [Ibid]

Allama Ismail bin Hammad al Juhri (rah) writes:

Arabic- English- Translation: 

ختم الله له بخير

 May Allah bring the End on Khair

  وختمت القرآن: بلغت آخره 

 I finished the Quran: (read) till it's "End"

 واختتمت الشئ: نقيض افتتحته

 The Last of something is opposite to beginning (of it) 

والخاتم والخاتم، بكسر التاء وفتحها. والخيتام والخاتام كله بمعنى، والجمع الخواتيم. وتختمت، إذا لبسته. وخاتمة الشئ: آخره  

Khatam, Khatim, Khitam, the Plural Khawatim, the meaning of all these are same and the end of something is Khatim ash Shay.

 ومحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم خاتم الانبياء عليهم الصلاة والسلام

And Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the Last of Prophets (Salat and Salam on all) [As- Sahah Taj ul Lughat, Volume No. 6, Page No. 186]

Definition In Light of great successor (Tabi’i) Qatada (rah)

وأخرج عبد الرزاق وعبد بن حميد وابن المنذر وابن أبي حاتم عن قتادة رضي الله عنه في قوله { ولكن رسول الله وخاتم النبيين } قال: آخر نبي.

Translation: Imam AbdurRazzaq, Abd bin Humaid, Ibn Mundhir and Ibn AbiHatim narrate from Qatada who said about (He is the Messenger of Allah and Khatam an Nabiyeen) that It means: He is the “LAST NABI” [Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti in Tafsir Dur ul Munthur, Under 33:40]

In Light of leading Tabi’i Imam Hassan al- Basri (rah)

وأخرج عبد بن حميد عن الحسن في قوله { وخاتم النبيين } قال: ختم الله النبيين بمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، وكان آخر من بعث.

Translation:ImamAbd bin Humaid narrates from Hassan Basri (rah) who said regarding “Khatam an Nabiyeen” : Allah has brought end to Prophets through Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and “HE IS THE LAST TO BE SENT”[Tafsir Dur ul Munthur Under 33:40]

Proof from Quran in light of classical Mufasireen

Quran states: Muḥammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allāh and seal [i.e., last] of the prophets. And ever is Allāh, of all things, Knowing. (33:40. Sahih International translation) 

Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) the widely renowned Mufasir/Muhadith/historian of Islam, he writes in his magnificent Tafsir al Quran al Azeem (i.e. Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

فهذه الآية نص في أنه لا نبي بعده، وإِذا كان لانبي بعده، فلا رسول بعده بالطريق الأولى والأحرى؛ لأن مقام الرسالة أخص من مقام النبوة، فإِن كل رسول نبي، ولا ينعكس، وبذلك وردت الأحاديث المتواترة

Translation: This Verse is a “DEFINITE PROOF” over this matter i.e. There will be no Prophet after him, when there cannot be any Nabi after him then how could there be even a Rusul because the Risalat is linked to Nubuwah, every Rusul is Nabi but every Nabi is not Rusul. This is also established from “MUTAWATTIR AHADITH” (UNDENIABLE DUE TO THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE COME FROM MULTIPLE CHAINS) [Tafsir al Quran al Azim by Ibn Kathir, Page No. 1488, Published by Dar ul Kutb al Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon]
Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) then mentions overwhelming ahadith which we shall mention in the hadith section of this post, but let's look at another great proof which Imam Ibn Kathir cites, he says and we quote:

 وقد أخبر الله تبارك وتعالى في كتابه، ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم في السنة المتواترة عنه: أنه لا نبي بعده؛ ليعلموا أن كل من ادعى هذا المقام بعده، فهو كذاب وأفاك دجال ضال مضل، لو تحرق وشعبذ، وأتى بأنواع السحر والطلاسم والنيرجيات، فكلها محال وضلال عند أولي الألباب؛ كما أجرى الله سبحانه وتعالى على يد الأسود العنسي باليمن، ومسيلمة الكذاب باليمامة من الأحوال الفاسدة والأقوال الباردة ما علم كل ذي لب وفهم وحجى أنهما كاذبان ضالان، لعنهما الله، وكذلك كل مدع لذلك إِلى يوم القيامة، حتى يختموا بالمسيح الدجال

فكل واحد من هؤلاء الكذابين يخلق الله تعالى معه من الأمور ما يشهد العلماء والمؤمنون بكذب من جاء بها، وهذا من تمام لطف الله تعالى بخلقه، فإِنهم بضرورة الواقع لا يأمرون بمعروف، ولاينهون عن منكر، إِلا على سبيل الاتفاق، أو لما لهم فيه من المقاصد إِلى غيره، ويكون في غاية الإفك والفجور في أقوالهم وأفعالهم

.Translation: Allah has told us in His Book, and His Messenger has told us in the Mutawatir Sunnah, that there will be no Prophet after him, so that it may be known that everyone who claims this status after him is a liar and fabricator who is misguided and is misguiding others. Even if he twists meanings, comes up with false claims and uses tricks and vagaries, all of this is false and is misguidance as will be clear to those who have understanding. This is what Allah caused to happen in the case of Al- Aswad Al-` Ansi in the Yemen and Musaylimah the Liar in Al- Yamamah, whose false miracles and nonsensical words showed everyone who was possessed of understanding that they were liars who were leading people astray; may the curse of Allah be upon them both. This is the case with every false prophet until the Day of Resurrection, until they end with Al- Masih Ad- Dajjal (the Antichrist). Each of these liars is given by Allah signs which show the people of knowledge and the believers that his message is false --  which is part of the perfect kindness of Allah towards His creation. These liars do not enjoin what is good, nor forbid what is evil, unless they do so by coincidence or because it serves an ulterior purpose. They are the utmost in falsehood and immorality, in all that they say and do [Imam Ibn Kathir in Tafsir al Quran al Azeem, Page No. 1389, Translation taken with care from English version by Dar us Salaam]

Imam Abu Hayyan al Andalusi [D. 445 AH] after decisively proving Finality of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) from Quran and Sunnah writes in his Tafsir Al Bahr al Muheet:

ومن ذهب إلى أن النبوة مكتسبة لا تنقطع، أو إلى أن الولي أفضل من النبي، فهو زنديق يجب قتله. وقد ادعى النبوة ناس، فقتلهم المسلمون على ذلك

Translation: A Person who has a viewpoint that Prophethood is not closed, or one who thinks that a Wali is superior than Nabi then such a person is “ZINDEEQ” and “WajibulQatl” Those who had claimed Prophethood amongst people then Muslims have killed them. [Tafsir Bahr al Muheet, Under 33:40]

Qadhi Thana UllahPaniPatti (rah) writes in his Tafsir al Mazhari: Khatam has been mentioned (in this ayah) in the meaning of “Akhir/Last” and someone who came to bring an “END TO SOMETHING” as “Last Nabi after whom no Prophet will come [Tafsir al Mazhari, Volume No. 9, Page No. 266]

Qur'an states:

وَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّنِ ٱفْتَرَىٰ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ كَذِبًا أَوْ قَالَ أُوحِىَ إِلَىَّ وَلَمْ يُوحَ إِلَيْهِ شَىْءٌۭ وَمَن قَالَ سَأُنزِلُ مِثْلَ مَآ أَنزَلَ ٱللَّهُ ۗ وَلَوْ تَرَىٰٓ إِذِ ٱلظَّـٰلِمُونَفِىغَمَرَٰتِٱلْمَوْتِوَٱلْمَلَـٰٓئِكَةُبَاسِطُوٓا۟ أَيْدِيهِمْ أَخْرِجُوٓا۟ أَنفُسَكُمُ ۖ ٱلْيَوْمَ تُجْزَوْنَ عَذَابَ ٱلْهُونِ بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَقُولُونَ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ غَيْرَ ٱلْحَقِّ وَكُنتُمْ عَنْ ءَايَـٰتِهِۦ تَسْتَكْبِرُونَ

 Translation: And who is more unjust than one who invents a lie about Allāh or says, "It has been inspired to me," while nothing has been inspired to him, and one who says, "I will reveal [something] like what Allāh revealed." And if you could but see when the wrongdoers are in the overwhelming pangs of death while the angels extend their hands, [saying], "Discharge your souls! Today you will be awarded the punishment of [extreme] humiliation for what you used to say against Allāh other than the truth and [that] you were, toward His verses, being arrogant." (6:93. Sahih International translation)

 It states in Tafsir al Jalalyn under this verse:

 And who that is none does greater evil than he who invents lies against God by claiming prophethood when he has not been called to it or who says ‘It is revealed to me’ when nothing has been revealed to him — this was revealed regarding the false prophet Musaylama al- Kadhdhāb — or he who says ‘I will reveal the like of what God has revealed’? — these were the mockers who would say If we wish we can speak the like of this Q. 831; If you could only see O Muhammad (s) when the mentioned evildoers are in the agonies the throes of death and the angels extend their hands against them beating and torturing them saying to them in stern censure ‘Give up your souls! to us that we may seize them. Today you shall be requited with the chastisement of humiliation because you used to say about God other than the truth of claiming prophethood and inspiration falsely and that you used to scorn His signs’ disdaining to believe in them. The response to the conditional statement beginning with law ‘if you could only see’ is ‘you would be seeing a terrifying thing’. (Tafsir al Jalalyn under 6:93)

 This will apply to all claimants of Prophethood after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) whether Zilli or Buroozi or whatever. Whosoever claims so becomes an Apostate/Zindeeq/Grand Liar.

 Proofs from overwhelming ahadith

 Here we are going to mention 20 Ahadith (although the number reaches in hundreds) which decisively prove that door to Prophethood has been closed and anyone who claims to be Prophet after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is a Liar/Dajjal/Cheat/Fabricator

Hadith # 1

Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Number 735: - Book of Merits - Chapter on Khatam an Nabiyeen) –

المناقب - خاتم النبيين صلى الله عليه وسلم

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "My similitude in comparison with the other prophets before me, is that of a man who has built a house nicely and beautifully, except for a place of "ONE" brick in a corner. The people go about it and wonder at its beauty, but say: 'Would that this brick be put in its place!' So I am that brick, and I am the last of the Prophets."

This Hadith is also narrated in Sahih Muslim Hadith # 5675 under the chapter of “THE FINALITY OF ALLAH'S APOSTLE (MAY PEACE BE UPON HIM)” It is also narrated in Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal Hadith # 7479, Also narrated in Sunnan al- Bayhaqi al- Kubra, Hadith # 11422]

 Hadith # 2

حدثنا ‏ ‏أنس بن مالك ‏ ‏قال ‏
قال رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏إن الرسالة والنبوة قد انقطعت فلا رسول بعدي ولا نبي

Translation: Anas bin Malik narrates from the Prophet (Peace be upon him) who said: The Messengership and Prophethood have ended and there will be no Messenger and Prophet after me [SunnanTirimdhi, Hadith # 2274, where Imam Tirimdhi declared it “HASSAN SAHIH”, Also narrated by Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Volume No.3, Page No. 467, Mustadrak ala Sahihayn al Hakim, Volume No. 4, Page No. 391]

Imam at- Tirimdhi (rah) said after this hadith:

هذا حَدِيثٌ حسنٌ صحيحٌ

This hadith is "FAIR AND AUTHENTIC" [ibid]

 Hadith # 3

Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon hlmg) said: I have been given superiority over the other prophets in six respects: I have been given words which are concise but comprehensive in meaning; I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies): spoils have been made lawful to me: the earth has been made for me clean and a place of worship; “I HAVE BEEN SENT TO ALL MANKIND AND THE LINE OF PROPHETS IS CLOSED WITH ME” [Book 004, Number 1062: (Sahih Muslim)]

Hadith # 4

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour would not come “UNTIL THERE WOULD ARISE ABOUT THIRTY IMPOSTERS, LIARS, AND EACH ONE OF THEM WOULD CLAIM THAT HE IS A MESSENGER OF ALLAH” [Book 041, Number 6988: (Sahih Muslim), Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 88, Number 237]

 Hadith # 5

‏ ‏وإن الله لم يبعث نبيا إلا حذر أمته ‏ ‏الدجال ‏ ‏وأنا آخر الأنبياء وأنتم آخر الأمم وهو خارج فيكم لا محالة

Translation:The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Allah has not sent any Prophet who did not warn his nation about Dajjal, but Now “I AM THE LAST OF PROPHETS (آخر الأنبياء)” and you are the last Ummah (آخر الأمم) he will for sure arise from amongst you [Sunnan Ibn Majah, Hadith # 4067]

Hadith # 6

وإنه سيكون في أمتي ثلاثون كذابون كلهم يزعم أنه نبي وأنا ‏ ‏ خاتم ‏ ‏النبيين لا نبي بعدي ‏

Translation: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: There will arise 30 (grand) Liars (ثلاثون كذابون) from my Ummah, each of them will claim that he is the Prophet whereas “I AM KHATAM AN NABIYEEN AND THERE IS NO PROPHET AFTER ME (لا نبي بعدي)” [SunnanTirimdhi , Hadith # 2202]

Imam Tirimdhi Said after this hadith:

‏ ‏هذا ‏ ‏حديث حسن صحيح ‏

Translation: This Hadith is “HASSAN SAHIH”

The Hadith is also narrated in Sunnan ABU Dawud, Hadith # 4252

Hadith # 7

Narrated S'ad: Allah's Apostle set out for Tabuk. appointing 'Ali as his deputy (in Medina). 'Ali said, "Do you want to leave me with the children and women?" The Prophet said, "Will you not be pleased that you will be to me like Aaron to Moses? “BUT THERE WILL BE NO PROPHET AFTER ME” [Volume 5, Book 59, Number 700: (Sahih Bukhari)]

 Hadith # 8

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "The Israelis used to be ruled and guided by prophets: Whenever a prophet died, another would take over his place. ”THERE WILL BE NO PROPHET AFTER ME, BUT THERE WILL BE CALIPHS WHO WILL INCREASE IN NUMBER ”The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What do you order us (to do)?" He said, "Obey the one who will be given the pledge of allegiance first. Fulfil their (i.e. the Caliphs) rights, for Allah will ask them about (any shortcoming) in ruling those Allah has put under their guardianship." [Volume 4, Book 56, Number 661: (Sahih Bukhari)]

Hadith # 9

The Prophet of (Peace be upon him) said: I am the Slave of Allah and I was a Last Prophet (saw) in (sight) of Allah when Adam’s Khameer was being created [Imam al Baihaqi in Shu'abulImaan Volume 2 Page No. 134, Imam Hakim in his Mustadrak declared Its chain to be Sahih]
Hence Prophethood was finished at Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) even when Adam (a.s) was not yet created!

 Hadith # 10

On the day of ressuruction people will run to all Prophets asking for help and intercession, the hadith states[It's long one, so part of it is stated below]:

They will come to me and say, 'O Muhammad ! You are Allah's Apostle and “THE LAST OF THE PROPHETS” and Allah forgave your early and late sins. (Please) intercede for us with your Lord. Don't you see in what state we are?[Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 236]

The whole hadith proves that People shall run to different Prophets but “FINALLY” come to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who shall intercede for them, this hadith clearly proves the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) shall be the Last towards whom they will run
Hadith # 11

Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah (ra) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: I am the leader of all Prophets and there is no boast, I am the Last of all Prophets and there is no boast [Sunnan al Darimi, Hadith # 50]

Hadith # 12

Once the Prophet (Peace be upon him) came to us in a way as If he is leaving us, then he said thrice: I am Muhammad the Ummi Prophet (Salallahoalaihiwasalam) and there is no Prophet after me [Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Volume No. 2, Page No. 172, Sheikh Ahmed Shakir in Takhrij of it: The chain of this Hadith is “Hassan”]

Hadith # 13

The Propht (Peace be upon him) said: There is no Prophet after me, and there is no Ummah after you, so you should worship your Lord and say your 5 daily prayers, and fast in your month (Ramadan), obey your leaders and thus enter the Blessed garden of your Lord [Imam Tabarani in Muj’am al Kabir, Volume No. 8, Hadith # 7217]

Hadith # 14

Hadrat Abu Dhar (ra) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) told him: The first Prophet is Adam and the last one is Muhammad (salallahoalaihiwasalam) [Kanzulamaal, Hadith # 32269]

Hadith # 15

HadratUqba bin Aamir (ra) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Had there been a Prophet after me then It would have been Umar [SunnanTirimdhi, Hadith # 3272]

Hadith # 16

Narrated Jubair bin Mutim: Allah's Apostle said, "I have five names: I am Muhammad and Ahmad; I am Al- Mahi through whom Allah will eliminate infidelity; I am Al- Hashir who will be the first to be resurrected, the people being resurrected there after; “AND I AM ALSO AL- AQIB(I.E. THERE WILL BE NO PROPHET AFTER ME)” [Volume 4, Book 56, Number 732: (Bukhari)]

Hadith # 17

Narrated Isma'il: I asked AbiAufa, "Did you see Ibrahim, the son of the Prophet ?" He said, "Yes, but he died in his early childhood. Had there been a Prophet after Muhammad then his son would have lived, “BUT THERE IS NO PROPEHT AFTER HIM” [Volume 8, Book 73, Number 214: (Bukhari)]

Hadith # 18

عن بن عباس عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال أنا أحمد ومحمد والحاشر والمقفي والخاتم

Translation: Hadrat Ibn Abbas (ra) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: I am Ahmed, Muhammad, Hashir, Maqfi (One who is sent in the last) and I am “KHATIM” [Imam Tabarani in Muj’am as Saghir, Hadith # 152]

Hadith # 19

Qatada narrates that when the Prophet (Peace be upon him) recited the Ayah { And when We exacted a covenant from the prophets, and from thee (O Muhammad) and from Noah… 33:7} he said: The goodness was started through me and I am the last amongst all Prophets to be sent [Muassanaf Ibn AbiShaybah, Hadith # 31753]

Hadith # 20

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Abu Bakr (ra) is the best amongst all people (after me) “BUT HE IS NOT A PROPHET” [Al Kamil by Ibn Adi, Volume No. 6, Page No. 484]

This hadith is shown as a proof that had there been any Prophet after Prophet (Peace be upon him) then Sahaba deserved the best of it, but even Sayyidna Abu Bakr (ra) was not a Prophet as is clearly and explicity mentioned in this hadith.

Qadiyanis use a weak narration from Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah which states:

 ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎﺣﺴﻴﻦﺑﻦﻣﺤﻤﺪ، ﻗﺎﻝ: ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎﺟﺮﻳﺮﺑﻦﺣﺎﺯﻡ، ﻋﻦﻋﺎﺋﺸﺔ، ﻗﺎﻟﺖ: ﻗﻮﻟﻮا: ﺧﺎﺗﻢاﻟﻨﺒﻴﻴﻦ، ﻭﻻﺗﻘﻮﻟﻮا: ﻻ ﻧﺒﻲﺑﻌﺪﻩ

Aisha (ra) said: Say Khatam an Nabiyeen but do not say, there is no Prophet after him (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah # 26653)

This is a Munqati (disconnected/broken) weak narration because Jarir bin Hazem (rah) was born in 85  or 88 AH whereas Sayyida Aisha (ra) died in 58 AH

Plus Mirza Qadiyani said:  Other books of Hadith will only be in this case capable of being accepted that they are not against Quran and agreed upon hadiths of Bukhari and Muslim (Ruhani Khazain 10/60. See footnote)

Now the wording La NabiBaadi is used in agreed upon Bukhari and Muslim hadiths. See Sahih Bukhari # 3455. And Sahih Muslim  # 1842 a

 Also In Sahih Muslim this wording is used, See # 2404 a. And also in Sahih Bukhari # 6194

 Similar hadith is also there having wording from Mughira bin Shu'ba (ra) in Musannaf Ibn AbiShaybah # 26654 that saying Khatam al Anbiya is enough. It also has wording about Jesus (a.s) coming before and after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). It is weak too because of narrator Mujalid bin Saeed upon whom majority have done Jarh.

 It states in Tafsir of Yahya bin Salam 2/723 that Aisha (ra) said: Do not say La NabiBaada Muhammad but say Khatam an Nabiyeen. Indeed Isa ibn Maryum (a.s) will descend as a Just ruler and a Just leader. He will kill the Dajjal, break the cross, kill the swine (s), abolish the Jiziyah and war will end.

This narration is weak as well because Rabi' bin Subayh (rah) has Jarh on him which is summarised by Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) in his Taqrib at Tahdheeb # 1895 that he was truthful but سيء الحفظ....

This is a Mufasar Jarh. Many scholars criticized him too whereas others praised. The Jarh will supercede. We will still explain actual meaning of such narrations ahead.

Secondly these Mawquf narrations go against Marfu hadiths of Sahihayn (Bukhari and Muslim) and also other authentic Marfu hadiths which emphatically prove saying La NabiBaadi. We have quoted Mirza Qadiyani himself that hadiths in OTHER BOOKS which contradict Qur'an and agreed upon hadiths of Bukhari and Muslim cannot be taken. Also Mirza Qadiyani has used hadith of La NabiBaadi in his statements, which we will present later.

Thirdly they are talking about Isa ibn Maryum (a.s) coming again by himself without new Shariah but will follow Shariah of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and do things which Mirza Qadiyani bin Charaghbibi never did. So Isa a.s will come and that will not affect the finality of Prophethood. For example Prophets prayed behind our last Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) during his journey of Isra wal Mi'raj.  When that did not affect finality of Prophethood at that time then similarly it will not affect when Jesus (a.s) who was actually a previous prophet and not later, will descend again. We have discussed the issue of Hayat (life) of Isa a.s and he descending again in detail later in this article.

Consensus of Muslim scholars and Ummah

Imam al Qadhi Iyaadh (rah) the author of magnificent Seerah work i.e. Ash- Shifa, he writes:

We declare that person as Kafir who considers someone along with you or after you as a Prophet, just like this we also declare him Kafir who claims that “Revelation (Wahi)” is sent to him even if he does not claim propethood, Thus all such people are “DISBELIEVERS” because they do Takdhib of Prophet (i.e. call him liar – Naudhobillah). The Prophet (Peace Be Upon hIm) has informed us that he is “KHATAM AN NABIYEEN” and “NO PROPHET WILL COME AFTER HIM” and that “HE HAS BEEN SENT TO ALL PEOPLE” The ummah is unanimous that this Kalaam is to be taken on its apparent and there is no room for any Tawil, or Takhsis and the Kufr of such people is Qat’i (i.e. Definite) Ijmai (i.e. unanimously agreed) [Ash Shifa, Page No. 237, 238]

The great Hanafi Imams, AllamaKhafaji (rah) and Mullah Ali Qari (rah) have also endorsed this strongly in  Naseem ur Riyaadh, Volume No. 6, Page No. 355, 256, Sharh ash- Shifa Volume No. 2, Page No. 515, 516]

Imam Ghazzali (Rahimuhullah), The Hujjatul Islam (i.e. Proof of Islam), he said:

We have known through “Consensus” that La Nabi B’adi (There is no Prophet after me) proves that the door to Prophethood has been permanently closed after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and the word “Khatam an Nabiyeen” also includes “MUTLAQ ANBIYA (all anbiya)” We (Muslims and their scholars) are thus certain that there is no room for any kind of Tawil (interpolation/interpretation) or Takhsis (to make specific such as nabi could come in this form or that form – Naudhobillah) . Whosoever does Tawil in this hadith then he is Munkir of Consensus [Al Itisaad fil Itiqaad, Page No. 163]

 Imam Ibn Qudama al Maqdisi the great Hanbli Imam, said:

Whosoever claims Prophethood or one who accepts his claim then (both) become “APOSTATES” because when MusaylmaKaddhab claimed to be Prophet and his people testified to it then all of them became apostates along with him [Al Mugni, Volume No. 9, Page No. 33, Publsihed Dr al Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon]

The Constitution Law of Pakistan states

298- B

Misuse of epithets, descriptions and titles etc., reserved for certain holy personages or places.

...Any person of the Qadiani group or Lahori group (who call themselves “Ahmadis” or by any other name) who by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, refers to the mode or form of call to prayers followed by his faith as “Azan”, or recites Azan as used by the Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine.

298- C

Person of Qadiani group, etc., calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith.

Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves “Ahmadis” or by any other name), who, directly or indirectly, poses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.

The False Prophet

 A person by the name of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani declared himself to be a Mahdi and started misleading the Muslim by his false claims. Later on he went few steps ahead, and declared himself as a Prophet and as well as Isa ibn Maryam, rather claimed that he was all Prophets (Naudhobillah). Now let us see the reality of this Dajjal and his falsehood. Note: Some parts shall be emphasized.

Mirza claiming Prophethood

1. Mirza said: ...One person was presented by his opponent an objection that the person you have pledged to (i.e. Mirza) claims to be a Prophet and Messenger (Rasul), the answer to which was mere rejection, "ALTHOUGH SUCH AN ANSWER IS NOT CORRECT" The truth is that God's that pure revelation (Wahi) which descends on me, it contains such words like Rasul or Mursal, or Nabi, not once but many times. Then how could this answer be correct that such words are not there... One of them is revelation (Wahi) of Allah that It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion. (Qur'an 48:28), see page 498 in BarahinAhmadiyya, in this the humble me has been clearly called Rasul.Then after this there is revelation of God in my regard i.e. Messenger of God in outfit of Prophets, see BarahinAhmadiyya page 504. Then in this same book near to this dialogue there is revelation (Wahi) of God that Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allāh; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves.(Qur'an 48:29). In this revelation of God I have been named Muhammad and also a Messenger. Then this is revelation of God which is stated on page 557 of BarahinAhmadiyya that A warner came in the world, the second qiraat of it is that Nabi has come in the world. In this manner this humble one is remembered at many places as Messenger (Rasul) (Roohani Khazain 18/206, 207. Translation of verses are from Sahih International translation. Brackets added by author of this article)

Then Mirza makes long discussion that how could he be Prophet after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) being Khatam an Nabiyeen (i.e. Seal/Last of Prophets)۔ The summary of what he said is that Muslims have false belief about Jesus coming again as a Nabi whether new or old no Prophet can come. This proves the aqida to be perfect testimony of being a clear lie due to verse of Khatam an Nabiyeen and hadith La NabiBaadi (i.e. There cannot be a Prophet after Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him), Then he says he perfectly and truthfully believes in the verse of Khatam an Nabiyeen. He further says all windows of Prophethood have closed except one window of Seerat Sadiqi i.e. becoming annihilated in Prophet and one who comes to Allah from the way of this window, then he wears cloak as a Zill (literally meaning shadow) of Prophet and wears cloak of Prophet Muhammad's Prophethood..The prophethood of Muhammad comes to him in form of Burooz (re- emergence)...Hence my Prophethood and Messengership  is due to being Muhammad and Ahmad and this name was given to me due to being annihilated in Rasul...he also says that meaning of word Nabi in dictionary is one who receives information from God and gives news of unseen, so where these meanings become truly applied then word of Nabi will also be truly applied. It is a condition of Nabi to be a Rasul, If he is not Rasul then he cannot receive news of unseen...then he says the difference is that after our Prophet (Muhammad Peace be upon him) there would not come any Prophet upon whom new Shariat would descend....then he talks about proving himself as zilli and second coming of Muhammad (Peace be upon him)...

Let us see how Qadiyanis understand the word Burooz. Mirza's son Bashir Ahmad said:

It means that the Promised Messiah (i.e. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) is not something separate to Nabi Kareem (Muhammad) Peace be upon him. He is the same who will appear in Buroozi shade again in world…….. In this way is there any doubt left that God descended Muhammad Peace be upon him again to Qadian (i.e Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani) (KalmatulFasl, Page: 104, 105. Brackets added)

Note by author Aamir Ibrahim: Remember the issue of life or death of Isa ibn Maryum (a.s) and him descending again by himself is the favourite topic which Qadiyanis distort and put forward to deceive ordinary Muslims. However we should first talk about false claims, lies, and character of Mirza with Qadiyanis۔ We will talk about Isa ibn Maryum (a.s) being raised alive and shall by himself descend again under Mirza's claim that he received so called special divine inspiration that Maseeh Ibn Maryum has died.

2. Mirza said: "I am Maseeh- e -Zamaan (Messiah of time), I am the Kaleem- e- Khuda (Moses) I am Muhammad Peace be upon him, I am Ahmad Peace be upon him ,Mujtaba." (Qadiyani's own book: Tiryaq- ul- Quloob P.3 Roohani Khazain Vol.15 P.134. Brackets added but are in relevance to what Mirza said)

AstaghfirUllah, the editor of this article (Aamir Ibrahim) wants to clarify that such disgusting statements are only shown in refutation of Qadiyani filth, otherwise we consider such statements to be disrespectful to mention without such a cause.

Mirza Declares himself as "ALL" Prophets whether in zill or burooz, it is clear kufr which makes Mirza Qadiyani an apostate

1. “No Prophet has passed in the world whose name has not been given to me. Thus as God has said in Braheen- e- Ahmadiyya I am Adam, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Jacob, I am Ishmael, I am Moses, I am David, I am Jesus son of Mary, I am Muhammad Peace be upon him, that is as burooz. As God has attributed all these names to me, and said regarding me جرى ﷲ فى حلل الانبياء that is Prophet of God in the outfit of Prophets. Thus it was necessary that the eminence of each Prophet is present in me and one attribute of each Prophet is revealed through me.” (TatummaHaqeeqatulWahi P.84, 85 Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.521)

2. "In this revelation of God, God has kept my name Rusul because as it is written in Barahin- e- Ahmadiyya, God the Exalted has designated me as a manifestation of all prophets upon them be peace, and has ascribed the names of all prophets to me. I am Adam, I am Seth, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Ishmael, I am Jacob, I am Joseph, I am Moses, I am David, I am Jesus and I am the perfect manifestation of the name of Holy Prophet Peace be upon him, that is as zill I am Muhammad Peace be upon him and Ahmad Peace be upon him" (Footnote, Haqeeqat- ul- Wahi P.72 Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.76)

3. "I am sometimes Adam, sometimes Moses, sometimes Jacob. Moreover I am Abraham, my generations are countless." (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Part 5, Durre- Sameen P.100 Roohani Khazain Vol.21 P.133)

4. Mirza said: In this era God wanted that all those Pious and Truthful, Holy Prophets  who have passed, should appear in the models of the being of one man, so that is me." (Braheen- e- Ahmadityya part 5 P.90 RoohaniKhazain Vol.21 P.117, 118)

Mirza in his ignorance declares himself as "KAFIR"

Mirza Qadiyani said

1. I consider the claimant of Nabuwat and Risalat as liar and Kafir after SayyidnawaMawlanaHazrat Muhammad Mustafa salallahoalaihiwasalamKhatam al Mursaleen. I am certain that revelation of Risalat started from Adam the chosen one and “ENDED” at JanabRasulUllah Muhammad Mustafa salallahoalaihiwasalam [MajmuaIshtiharat, Volume No. 1, Page No. 230, 231)

2. In Quran Shareef there is no mention of Maseeh Ibn Maryam coming again anywhere, however Khatam e Nabuwat is perfectly mentioned, to differentiate between old and new Prophets is a naughtiness, this differentiation is not found in either Hadith nor Quran, the hadith “La NabiBadi” is also “GENERAL REJECTION” therefore how daring and courageous and disrespectful it would be to follow lowly thoughts and intentionally leave aside the “DEFINITE PROOFS” in Quran and to believe that after Khatam al Anbiya a Nabi can come, also to re-start the sislsila of Wahi of Prophethood after it had been stopped because whosoever has quality of Nabuwat then his Wahi is without any doubt a Wahi of Nabuwat [Mirza Qadiyani in Ruhani Khazain, Volume No. 14, Pages 392, 393]

3. It is not the quality of Allah that He sends a Nabi after “Khatam an Nabiyeen” nor is it His quality to start the new chain of Propethood again "AFTER IT BEING ENDED" and to abrogate some Ahkaam of Qur'an and add something to it, and go against His promise [Ruhani Khazain, Volume No. 5, Page No. 377]

4. Mirza said: I believe that our Nabi Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is Khatam al Anbiya, and our book Quran  Kareem is the means to guidance... And I believe that our Rasul is leader of children of Adam and leader of Messengers, AND ALLAH HAS BROUGHT END TO PROPHETS THROUGH YOU [Ruhani Khazain, Volume No. 5, Page No. 21]

Note by Aamir Ibrahim: Whether someone considers himself Zilli or BurooziNabi or any form of Nabi, claims to receive Wahi, is Munkar of Finality of Prophethood and becomes Kafir/Murtad.

Mirza claiming to be Promised Messiah

1. "I proclaim that I am the Promised Messiah about whom every God's pure book has prophesied that he will appear in the Last Era"(Tohfa- e- Golravia, Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.295)

2. "I swear upon that God, who has sent me and fabricating on Him is the work of accursed ones, He has sent me as Promised Messiah." (Majmoo'a- e- Ishtiharaat vol. 3 p.435)

Mirza going through Menses and having a child inside him which is like Child of Allah (One of his most absurd and vulgar imaginations through which he tried to claim himself as Isa Ibn Maryam)

3. Mirza said : BabuIlahiBukhsh wants to see "YOUR MENSTRUATION" or get information on some "FILTH AND IMPURITY" but God will show you his rewards, which will be continuous, and in you there is no menstruation but "THAT CHILD HAS DEVELOPED", such a child who is like the "CHILDREN OF ALLAH" (Tatumma Haqeeqat- ul- Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p.581)

4. The insults go on: In Kastih- e- Nuh it states summary of which is: The spirit of Jesus was infused in me like it was infused in Mary and allegorically I was rendered pregnant. Not more than ten months had passed when I was made Jesus from Mary. That is how I became Jesus, son of Mary.(Kashti- Nooh pg 47۔ Ruhani Khazain. Vol. 19, Page 50)

Dajjal receiving so called divine Inspiratons, and also saying absurd things.

1. "This is why God sent me and has made apparent to me in his special divine inspiration that MaseehIbne Maryam has died." (Tauzeeh- e- Maram, Roohani Khazain vol. 3 p.402)

Note by author Aamir Ibrahim: The opinion of Ahlus Sunnah i.e. Ahlus Sunnah Barelwi, Deobandi, and Ahlul Hadith, even Shia (i.e. Twelvers) is that Isa ibn Maryum (a.s) was raised alive and shall descend again before end times.

According to Ahlus Sunnah he will rule as just judge, break the cross, kill swine (s) , kill dajjal, and all people of the book shall believe in him in totality. He will go to Madina and address Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) at his grave and shall be buried next to Muhammad (Peace be upon him). None of which Mirza Qadiyani (LA) did as Mirza was first of all not Isa Ibn Maryum but rather Mirza Ghulam Ahmad bin Charagh Bibi.

Also Jews and Christians did not accept him as Messiah in totality [rather not even very few especially Jews. Also Jews and Christians of western world and elsewhere hardly recognized Mirza Qadiyani, let alone accepted him in great numbers as Promised Messiah. A former QadiyaniNabeel Qureshi who is now dead, had converted to Christianity, some other people have converted to Christianity too. Mirza Qadiyani himself accepted which is paraphrased: "Some Muslims (who were Qadiyanis but due to Mirza's debate had become Christians and Mirza said he had expelled them from Jamaat already) after this divine inspiration became Christians, to consider this proof over truthfulness of Christians is wickedness۔۔۔then he makes boastful claim that many Christians accepted Islam i.e. Qadiyanism See Ruhani Khazain,  9/28, footnote. Qadiyanis have accepted that hundreds of Muslim scholars in time of Mirza left Islam and became priests. Also remember Abdullah Atham the arch Christian opponent of Mirza was a former Muslim too who converted to Christianity, and he never came back to Islam] nor did Mirza become a just judge all over the world, nor did he break the cross i.e. Christianity of wrong form did not become completely false in his time nor they all accepted Islam, nor did he kill pigs i.e. Christians did not stop eating pigs, which has not happened till today. All this will happen after HaqiqiNazul of Isa ibn Maryum (a.s).

However if some people like Javed Ahmad Ghamdi and some others even if in past differed with this then that does not affect the dominant opinion. Even for argument's sake it is assumed that Jesus (a.s) died (although he for sure did not) then we should discuss core issues with Qadiyanis like we mentioned before i.e. issues like his false claims, lies, and his character. Also remember Jesus (a.s) will come as a follower of Muhammad (Peace be upon him). He was a previous Prophet not later to Muhammad (Peace be upon him), so him coming again does not affect the finality of Prophethood. For example Prophets prayed behind Muhammad (Peace be upon him) during his journey of IsrawalMi'raj. So just like it did not affect finality of our Prophet then, then similarly it will not do so when Jesus (a.s) comes again. We have written elsewhere about meanings of words Mutawafeeka or Tawafaytani used about Jesus (a.s) in Qur'an due to which Qadiyanis try to deceive Muslims that Jesus (a.s) has died. Mutawafeeka or Tawafaytani also mean making something complete (without death) or death in form of sleep but not real death. Also they mean to take. Regarding Jesus being alive and coming again read Qur'anic verses 4:157 to 159. Also see 43:61. Also 3:55 where word Mutawafeeka is translated by almost all translators not as death. Due to brevity issue the author shall use just one Tafsir of this verse:

 Tafsir al- Jalalyn explains as: And mention when God said ‘O Jesus I am gathering you seizing you and raising you to Me away from the world without death… [Tafsir al- Jalalyn under 3:55]

Also verse 5:117 where almost all translate word Tawafaytani not to be death.

Many Tafaseer could be shown.

Under 43:61, Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) said:

Mujahid said: (And he shall be a sign for (the coming of) the Hour.) means, sign and "One of the signs of the Hour will be the appearance of `Isa son of Maryam before the Day of Resurrection. '' Something similar was also narrated from Abu Hurayrah, Ibn `Abbas, `Abu Al- `Aliyah, Abu Malik, `Ikrimah, Al- Hasan, Qatadah, Ad- Dahhak and others. Many Mutawatir Hadiths report that the Messenger of Allah said that `Isa will descend before the Day of Resurrection as a just ruler and fair judge. (See Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Online English version under 43:61)

Under 4:159. Let us share detailed extract from Tafsir Ibn Kathir:

Allah said,

وَإِن مِّنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَـبِ إِلاَّ لَيُؤْمِنَنَّ بِهِ قَبْلَ مَوْتِهِ وَيَوْمَ الْقِيَـمَةِ يَكُونُ عَلَيْهِمْ شَهِيداً

(And there is none of the People of the Scripture, but must believe in him, before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection, he will be a witness against them.) Ibn Jarir recorded that Ibn `Abbas commented,(And there is none of the People of the Scripture, but must believe in him, before his death.) before the death of `Isa, son of Maryam, peace be upon him. Al- `Awfi reported similar from Ibn `Abbas. Abu Malik commented;

(but must believe in him, before his death.) "This occurs after `Isa returns and before he dies, as then, all of the People of the Scriptures will believe in him.''

The Hadiths Regarding the Descent of `Isa Just Before the Day of Judgement, and his Mission

In the chapter about the Prophets in his Sahih, under, "The Descent of `Isa, Son of Maryam,'' Al- Bukhari recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said (By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the son of Maryam (`Isa) will shortly descend among you as a just ruler, and will break the cross, kill the pig and abolish the Jizyah. Then there will be an abundance of wealth and nobody will accept charitable gifts any more. At that time, one prostration will be better for them than this life and all that is in it.) Abu Hurayrah then said, "Read if you will,(And there is none of the People of the Scripture, but must believe in him, before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection, he will be a witness against them.)'' Muslim recorded this Hadith. So, Allah's statement (before his death) refers to the death of `Isa, son of Maryam. Another Hadith by Abu HurayrahI mam Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said (`Isa will say Ihlal from the mountain highway of Ar- Rawha' for Hajj, `Umrah or both.) Muslim also recorded it. Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet said (`Isa, son of Maryam, will descend and will kill the pig, break the cross, lead the prayer in congregation and give away wealth until it is no longer accepted by anyone. He will also abolish the Jizyah and go to Ar- Rawha' from where he will go to perform Hajj, `Umrah or both.) Abu Hurayrah then recited (And there is none of the People of the Scripture, but must believe in him, before his death.) Hanzalah said, "Abu Hurayrah added, `Will believe in `Isa before `Isa dies,' but I do not know if this was a part of the Prophet's Hadith or if it was something that Abu Hurayrah said on his own. '' Ibn AbiHatim also recorded this Hadith.

Another Hadith

Al- Bukhari recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said (How will you be when Al- Masih, son of Maryam (`Isa) descends among you while your Imam is from among yourselves) Imam Ahmad and Muslim also recorded this Hadith.

Another Hadith

Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet said (The Prophets are paternal brothers; their mothers are different, but their religion is one. I, more than any of mankind, have more right to `Isa, son of Maryam, for there was no Prophet between him and I. He will descend, and if you see him, know him. He is a well- built man, (the color of his skin) between red and white. He will descend while wearing two long, light yellow garments. His head appears to be dripping water, even though no moisture touched it. He will break the cross, kill the pig, and banish the Jizyah and will call the people to Islam. During his time, Allah will destroy all religions except Islam and Allah will destroy Al- Masih Ad- Dajjal (the False Messiah). Safety will then fill the earth, so much so that the lions will mingle with camels, tigers with cattle and wolves with sheep. Children will play with snakes, and they will not harm them. `Isa will remain for forty years and then will die, and Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him.) Abu Dawud also recorded it.

End- quote (See: Online English version of Tafsir Ibn Kathir under 4:159. Rather also previous verses)

As we are honest so let us show Tafsir al Jalalyn of which one part can go against us. However the second part is the more relied upon opinion.

It states in Tafsir al Jalalyn under 4:159:

And there is not one of the People of the Scripture but will assuredly believe in him, in Jesus, before his death, that is, [before the death] of one belonging to the People of the Scripture upon seeing the angels of death with his very eyes, at which point his faith will not profit him; or [it means] before the death of Jesus, after he descends at the approach of the Hour, as is stated in hadīth; and on the Day of Resurrection he, Jesus, will be a witness against them, of what they did when he was sent to them.

End- quote.

Note: Even Tafsir al Jalalyn elsewhere clearly proves that Isa a.s was raised alive without death as we showed before. Hence Qadiyanis should understand as a whole and not be like Jews taking some part and hiding other.

Now let us see hadiths with exact references. In one authentic hadith it says: Hudhaifa b. Usaid al- Ghifari reported:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) came to us all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion). He said: What do you discuss about? They (the Companions) said. We are discussing about the Last Hour. Thereupon he said: It will not come until you see ten signs before and (in this connection) he made a mention of the smoke, Dajjal, the beast, the rising of the sun from the west, "THE DESCENT OF JESUS SON OF MARY (ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HIM)," the Gog and Magog, and land- slides in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia at the end of which fire would burn forth from the Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly. [Sahih Muslim # 2901 a or see # 6931 in online version)

There is chapter title in Sahih Muslim in KitabulImaan Chapter 71:

The descent of 'Eisa bin Mariam to judge according to the Shari'ah of our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Note: Imam Bukhari also made a similar chapter as:

باب نُزُولُ عِيسَى ابْنِ مَرْيَمَ عليهما السلام

(See Book of Prophets, Chapter 49. Online version)

Then under chapter of Sahih Muslim are couple of hadiths narrated from which we will share some. (Note: Chapter titles of Sahih Muslim are made by Imam Nawawi according to a sound opinion)

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger or Allah (ﷺ) observed:

I swear by Allah that the son of Mary will certainly descend as a just judge and he would definitely break the cross, and kill swine and abolish Jizya and would leave the young she- camel and no one would endeavor to (collect Zakat on it). Spite, mutual hatred and jealousy against one another will certainly disappear and when he summons people to accept wealth, not even one would do so. (Sahih Muslim 155 c)

Another hadith from another Sahabi states:

Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: A section of my people will not cease fighting for the Truth and will prevail till the Day of Resurrection. He said: Jesus son of Mary would then descend and their (Muslims') commander would invite him to come and lead them in prayer, but he would say: No, some amongst you are commanders over some (amongst you). This is the honour from Allah for this Ummah. (Sahih Muslim # 156)

Let us see a hadith from Sahih Bukhari too:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it." Abu Huraira added "If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): -- 'And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) BEFORE HIS DEATH. And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness Against them." (4.159) (See Fath- ul- Bari, Page 302 Vol 7) (Sahih Bukhari # 3448. See especially the wording: Before his death)


There are many other proofs too which have not been shown due to brevity issue. So it is established in Marfu form from Prophet (Peace be upon him) not just from Abu Hurraira (ra) but also other Sahaba as well that Jesus son of Mary (Peace be upon him) not Mirza Ghulam Ahmad bin Charaghbibi, will for sure descend and do the things as mentioned above.

Qadiyanis misuse this verse to say Isa (a.s) has died. It states in Qur'an

Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is no more than a Messenger, and indeed (many) Messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels (as disbelievers)? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allâh; and Allâh will give reward to those who are grateful. (3:144. Muhsin/Hilali translation)

a) It does not say or use word "ALL" in most translations. Some translators translate it as: Many were the messenger that passed away before him.(Abdullah Yusuf Ali). Like many messengers that have passed before him. (Free Minds)...

Very few translated with word "ALL"

Even if we assume it means all, then Jesus (a.s) is excluded. Let us understand this from a verse of Qur'an about all those who are worshipped other than Allah will be fuel of Hell fire.

Qur'an states: Certainly you ˹disbelievers˺ and whatever you worship instead of Allah will be the fuel of Hell. You are ˹all˺ bound to enter it. (21:98. Dr. Mustafa Khattab translation).

Mushrikeen of Makkah worshipped Jinns who later turned Muslims but Mushrikeen of Makkah did not know even afterwards that they had become Muslims and kept on worshipping them. (See: Sahih Muslim 3030 b, c, also see 3030 d).So those pious Jinns will be fuel of hell fire too Naudhobillah?

Mushrikeen of Malkah considered angels as daughters of Allah.

Qur'an states: And they assign unto Allah daughters - Be He Glorified! - and unto themselves what they desire;When if one of them receiveth tidings of the birth of a female, his face remaineth darkened, and he is wroth inwardly.

(Qur'an 16:57, 58. Translation of M.Pickthall)

So would they angels also be fuel of hell fire Naudhobillah? Plus scholars said: (Prophets like) Uzayr, Isa, and Angels Peace be upon them are not included in this verse. (See Tafsir al Qurtubi towards end under this verse)

Let us also understand from a hadith۔ It states in a Hadith of Prophet (Peace be upon him): ... Every (Kullu) newly- invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is going astray, and every going astray is in the Fire.(See: SunnanNasai'i #1578. Hadith is Sahih and very famous. Brackets added).

However Genuine Ahlus Sunnah believe due to other verses and narrations that those innovations are good or could be good which do not oppose Islamic sources, and have a basis in Shariah. Like for example celebrating Mawlid of Prophet (Peace be upon him). Plus scholars innovated new things like IlmurRijaal, putting I'raab on Qur'an etc... Many scholars have said, Innovations are of two types i.e. Praiseworthy and blameworthy.

 Qadiyanis misuse verses of Qur'an which we will show in context, about Allah asking Jesus (a.s) if he told his people to worship him and Mary...about Jesus (a.s) being witness over them till he was alive (Note: Verse does not use word alive but being with them or dwelt among them), but after his death (whereas verse says after you took me up, as we explained word Tawafaytani above in regards to this verse) only Allah knows what they did. From these, Qadiyanis by going against other verses and hadiths which we showed above, say, If Jesus was alive and in real sense had to come himself again then why would he say to Allah I was witness over them while I was alive (actually dwelt among them) i.e. when Jews and Christians will believe in him before his actual death then how could Jesus (a.s) reply in such a manner?

Let us first see the verses:

And [beware the Day] when Allāh will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allāh?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.

I said not to them except what You commanded me - to worship Allāh, my Lord and your Lord. And I was a witness over them as long as I was among them; but when You took me up, You were the Observer over them, and You are, over all things, Witness.

[Qur'an 5:116, 117. Saheeh International translation. In footnote of Dr. Mustafa Khattab's translation, it says: This refers to the ascension of Jesus Christ. See footnote for 3:54 End- quote. Actually 3:55. Note: This exchange of words in Qur'an is about when Jesus son of Mary (a.s) was ascended to heaven and what People did behind him after that. However when he comes again Jews and Christians will believe in him in totality like we proved above from Qur'an,  Hadith, and Tafsir]

There are couple of more answers to this.

a) Qur'an, and established Sunnah coming from multiple sources cannot contradict eachother. Qadiyanis in order to prove their Dajjal Mirza as truthful try to confuse Muslims and imply that Quran and multiple authentic hadiths contradict eachother (Naudhobillah).

b) Scholars from past till today have believed in majority that Jesus son of Mary (a.s) was raised alive and shall descend again as actual Isa ibn Maryum, not in form of Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani bin Charaghbibi. Now did these luminaries not understand Arabic and Qur'an? We have already said that some people like Ghamdi or even some from past, differing on this issue does not have affect.

c) it states in Tafaseer from which we will show one from Tafsir al Jalalyn. Although this verse was shown before too. It states in Tafsir al Jalalyn

I only said to them that which You commanded me to say and that is “Worship God my Lord and your Lord.” And I was a witness a watcher over them preventing them from saying what they used to say "WHILST I WAS AMONGST THEM; BUT WHEN YOU TOOK ME TO YOU WHEN YOU RAISED ME UP TO THE HEAVEN. You were Yourself the Watcher over them the Observer of their deeds and You Yourself are Witness over all things Aware and knowing them including what I said to them and what they said after me and whatever else.

End- quote.

Qadiyanis use an athar from Ibn Abbas (ra) in Sahih Bukhari which says that Ibn Abbas (ra) interpreted word Mutawafeeka regarding Isa (a.s) as Mumituka (i.e. cause you to die). See Sahih Bukhari. Kitab of Tafseer in Chapter 13 after Hadith # 4622. Note: It is narrated in Chapter title of Bukhari without chain. But its chain is mentioned in other books. Ahlus Sunnah in majority do not consider all narrations of Sahih Bukhari in chapter titles to be authentic. Even if some scholars claimed so then they were and are wrong. Plus even if Imam Bukhari (rah) may have considered them authentic but they are not necessarily authentic to others and rightly so.

Salafi scholar Zubayr Ali Zai and some others have declared it weak (Munqati) saying Ali bin AbiTalha did not meet Ibn Abbas (ra), this is right though [See: TaqributTahdhib of Imam Ibn HajrAsqalani which states that he used to do Irsal upon Ibn Abbas (i.e. did not meet Ibn Abbas RA nor hear from him). Imam Ibn Hajr also said He is truthful BUT MAKES MISTAKES. See Narrator Ali bin AbiTalha # 4754. Also see Meezan al A'itdal of Imam Dhahabi narrator Ali bin AbiTalha # 5870۔ In TahdhibutTahdhib of Imam Ibn HajrAsqalani, there is criticism on Ali bin AbiTalha too like for example: Imam Ahmad said, his things are Munkaraat, Abu Dawood said, InshaAllah he is mustaqeem al hadith BUT HIS OPINION IS BAD. Imam Duhaim said He did not hear Tafsir from Ibn Abbas (ra). Yaqub bin Sufyan said: He is Daeef in hadith, Munkar, his madhab is not praiseworthy...he is not Matrook, (but) and not Hujjah]

However we know that some scholars have accepted Tafseeri narrations of Ali bin AbiTalha from Ibn Abbas (ra) in spite him not meeting or hearing from Ibn Abbas (ra). But It should be remembered that principles cannot be changed and those scholars be accepted. Also there is criticism on Ali bin AbiTalha, hence especially in an important issue like this one the qawl cannot be accepted or be interpreted like we will do ahead, but on other issues relating to general matters his Tafseeri narration from Ibn Abbas (ra) may be accepted. Anyways we will discuss it further for the sake of argument.

Here are couple of answers to this.

a) Ibn Kathir (rah) makes detailed discussion and said which is paraphrased: Mufasireen differed over the verse {Indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself. 3:55. Dr.MustafaKhattab translation}. Qatada and others said: This refers to Taqdeem and Takheer (Urdu words used for Arabic words to explain i.e.Raising is first and then cause you to die is later) “I will raise you towards Myself and then cause you to die,” meaning after that. Ibn Abbas (RA) said Mutawafeeka means Mumitukai.e cause you to die. Wahb bin Munaba (rah) said: While God was raising you, He made you die for three hours in the start of day. Ibn Ishaq said: Nasara (Christians) presumed that  Allah made you die for seven hours and then made you alive. Wahb said: After death for three days Allah made you alive and took you up. Matr al Waraq said: Meaning I will complete you in world, It does not mean death here. Just like this Ibn Jarir (rah) said Tawafi here means Rafa (raising).

Many (Mufasireen) said that death here means sleep as at another place Qur'an states: He is the One Who calls back your souls (Yatawafakum) by night.. (Qur'an 6:60. Dr. Mustafa Khattab translation. Brackets added). (Meaning Allah makes you die at night i.e. makes you asleep). There is a verse (elsewhere) which states: ˹It is˺ Allah ˹Who˺ calls back the souls (Yatawafa) ˹of people˺ upon their death as well as ˹the souls˺ of the living during their sleep. Then He keeps those for whom He has ordained death, and releases the others until ˹their˺ appointed time. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect. (Qur'an 39:42. Dr. Mustafa Khattab translation. We showed full verse. Brackets added)...

There is Hadith that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) after waking up from sleep used to say: All the thanks are due to Allah Who brought us back to life after He had caused us to die (sleep)...Then Ibn Kathir continues, and quotes verses: For their denial and outrageous accusation against Mary, and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they neither killed nor crucified him—it was only made to appear so. Even those who argue for this ˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever—only making assumptions. They certainly did not kill him.Rather, Allah raised him up to Himself. And Allah is Almighty, All- Wise.Every one of the People of the Book will definitely believe in him before his death. And on the Day of Judgment Jesus will be a witness against them. (Qur'an 4:156 to 159. Dr. Mustafa Khattab translation)

The dhamir of QablaMawtihi i.e. before his death (in 4:159) is returning to Isa (a.s) i.e. All people of the book will believe in Isa (a.s) when he will descend on earth before Qiyamah...HENCE ALL PEOPLE OF THE BOOK WILL BELIEVE IN HIM, he will not take Jiziya nor accept anything other than Islam... Ibn IbnAbiHatim has narration from Hadrat Hasan regarding verse InniMutawafeeka that it means, Sleep was put upon him (Jesus) and he was raised by Allah in the state of sleep. Hadrat Hasan said, Prophet (Peace be upon him) said to Jews: Isa (a.s) did not die and he will return towards you before Qiyamah. And God Almighty says: {And purify [i.e., free] you from those who disbelieve. 3:55. Dr Mustafa Khattab translation} meaning by raising you to heaven {And make those who follow you [in submission to Allāh alone] superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. 3:55, Dr.MustafaKhattab translation} and thus it occurred, when Maseeh (Peace be upon him) was raised to God to heaven. Then Ibn Kathir talks about different groups of Christians which came into existence, one of which remained steadfast and believed Jesus was only a servant of Allah, and Messenger, not god....

End- quote.

Even from Ibn Abbas (ra) it is proven regarding Quranic verse 4:159 i.e. And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in him [i.e., Jesus] before his death.1 And on the Day of Resurrection he will be against them a witness.

(Sahih International translation. The insertion of word Jesus in brackets in this translation is accurate and perfect as we proved above that Dhamir is returning to Jesus. In Islam 360 version It is there even without brackets. Some other translators added word Jesus in brackets too like M.A.S Abdel Haleem. In Urdu translation of Maulana Muhammad Junagarhi he even used word Isa without brackets. Mufti TaqiUsmani also mentioned word Isa without brackets. Irfan ul Qur'an translation of Dr.tahirulQadri in Urdu and English also uses word Jesus outside brackets. And so on.

Ibn Abbas said regarding it: Before death of Isa ibn Maryum (a.s) (See Tafsir al- Tabari under this verse. There are many other quotes in Tafsir al- Tabari too which prove that all people of scripture i.e. All Jews and Christians will believe in Jesus before Jesus's death. Yes he mentioned other quotes too that it refers to they not dying before believing in Jesus i.e. when these people are about to die they will witness truth but that will not benefit them. We being honest have already shown this from Tafsir al Jalalyn. However the opinion that all Jews and Christians will believe in Jesus before Jesus's death supercedes).

It is also narrated in Tafsir Sufyan ath- Thawri that, Ibn Abbas (ra) said regarding verse: And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in him [i.e., Jesus] before his death. 4:159 (Sahih International translation). Before death of Isa Peace be upon him. (Tafsir Sufyan ath- Thawri # 229)

In Tafsir Ibn AbiHatim، it says: Ibn Abbas (ra) said regarding "And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in him [i.e., Jesus] before his death (4:159, Sahih International translation). (Ibn Abbas said it means)That before death of Isa Ibn Maryum (a.s) (Tafsir Ibn AbiHatim 4/1114, # 6254)

In Tafsir al Qurtubi. Right after narrating Ibn Abbas(ra)'s qawl of Mumituka it says: Rabi' bin Anas (rah) said it means death of sleep as Qur'an says: He is the One Who calls back your souls by night... (6:60, Dr Mustafa Khattab Translation)...later Imam Qurtubi (rah) says to an extent that: It is correct that Allah rose you up without death and sleep, as Hasan and Ibn Zaid said, and this is what Tabari chose. This is Sahih from Ibn Abbas (ra) and Dhahak (rah) also said so... (See Tafsir al Qurtubi under 3:55)

Mustadrak ala Sahihayn of Imam al- Hakim has hadith: From Saeed bin Jubayr from Ibn Abbas May Allah's mercy be upon them, who said (about verse): {And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in him [i.e., Jesus] before his death. 4:159. Sahih International translation}. (It refers to) Appearance of Isa Ibn Maryum, Allah's Peace and blessings be upon him.

Imam al- Hakim said: It is Authentic (Sahih) on the criteria of Shaykhayn (i.e. Imam al- Bukhari and Imam Muslim), but they did not narrate it.

Imam adh- Dhahabi said in Talkhees: (It is Sahih) on criteria of al- Bukhari and Muslim

(Mustadrak ala Sahihayn by Imam al- Hakim # 3207, with Talkhees of Imam adh- Dhahabi)

The Muhaqiq to book:

وكيح بن الجراح أقواله ومروياته في التفسير من أول سورة الفاتحة إلى نهاية سورة الكهف

المؤلف: محمد أحمد السيد القرشي

محقق: وصي الله بن محمد عباس

Volume 1, Page, 651

Said regarding this narration of Ibn Abbas (ra), in footnote, which is paraphrased: It is narrated in Tafsir al- Tabari (9/380) number (10795), The chain is weak due to Ibn Waki' who is weak, but due to next narration it elevates and becomes Hasan li Ghayrihi. It is also narrated in Tafsir Sufyan ath- Thawri (Page 98), number (229). Then he mentions other references like Tafsir al- Tabari # 10794 who narrated from Muhammad bin Bashaar. Ibn AbiHatim who narrated from Ahmad bin Sinan. Then he says: All of them coming from Muhammad bin Bashaar or Ahmad bin Sinan from Abdur Rahman bin Mahdi from Sufyan. THE CHAINS ARE AUTHENTIC. Then he mentions reference of Mustadrak al- Hakim which we have already mentioned above...

Note: All these proofs from Ibn Abbas (RA) put together become impeccable whereas the statement attributed to Ibn Abbas RA that Mutawafeeka means Mumituka has problem due to Ali bin AbiTalha

b) This is enough to destroy Qadiyanis. Those statements which go against Qadiyanis are mentioned with Jazm by especially Ibn Kathir (rah). But we will say that even if we assume the narration of Ibn Abbas (ra) to be correct, then first of all it should be interpreted according to detailed extract from Tafsir Ibn Kathir and references from Tafsir al- Tabari from Ibn Abbas (ra) himself. Also what we quoted from Tafsir of Sufyan ath- Thawri,  from Ibn Abi Hatim, Qurutbi, and Mustadrak ala Sahihayn of Imam Hakim. Secondly if Qadiyanis deny these authentic narrations and valid interpretations (which is impossible for them to do so) then the athar of Ibn Abbas (ra) they present is contrary to Quranic verses, overwhelming hadiths, Tafaseer (including that of Ibn Abbas ra himself), and opinions of majority of scholars, so it cannot be taken. One narration is mentioned in TafsirDur al Munthoor of Imam Suyuti (rah) which has wording that Ibn Abbas (ra) said: I will raise you and then cause you to die in end times (TafsirDur al Munthoor under verse 3:55. Shown as corroborating reference)


2. Mirza said. It is paraphrased as: This is proven from categorical proof that "Jesus migrated towards Kashmir، he died and his grave is in Srinagar till today" (Kashmir). (Roohani Khazain vol. 18 p.361)

3. "I am just like Quran and soon it will be exhibited on my hand, what has been exhibited by Quran." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.119)

4. Regarding verse of Qur'an "WamaaarsalnaakaillaRehmat al lilAlameen" meaning: We have sent you as a Mercy for all the worlds. Mirza applied it on himself (See: Roohani Khazain Vol.11 P.78)

Note by Aamir Ibrahim: Deobandi big authority Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi has also falsely said in his FatawaRashidyah that Rehmat al lilAalmeen is not exclusive trait of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) .. AstaghfirUllah. So Beware O Muslims from deobandi cult as well and only turn towards Ahlus Sunnah wa'lJamm'ah.

5. " 'DaiyanilaAllahe' and 'SirajumMuneer' two names and two titles were especially given to Holy Prophet Peace be upon him in Holy Quran and then the same two titles were given to me in divine inspiration." (Arba'een No.2 P.5, Roohani Khazain Vol.17 P.350, 351)

6. "In this place the word Soor has meaning of Promised Messiah." (Chashma -e- Maarifat P.76, Roohani Khazain Vol.23 P.85)

7. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani (LA) said:

...God has appointed me the Promised Messiah for the Muslims and Christians, so am I the Avatãr for the Hindus. For the past twenty years or so, I have been proclaiming that just as I have appeared in the spirit of the Messiah son of Mary alaihissalam for the purpose of removing sins which have filled the earth, so have I come as Raja Krishna one of the greatest Avatãrs of the Hindu faith. In other words, I am the same person by virtue of spiritual reality. This is no fancy or speculation on my part. The God of heaven and earth has revealed to me, not once but a number of times, that for the Hindus I am Krishna and for the Muslims and Christians I am the Promised Messiah...(Lecture Sialkot, English. Page Number 39...)

Then he tried to defend himself which we shall paraphrase i.e. Ignorant Muslims will immediately say due to assuming name of a Kafir he (Mirza) has openly accepted disbelief. He said this revelation is from God and he has no choice but to proclaim it. Then he tried to prove Raja Krishna to be a truly great man the like of whom cannot be found in Rishis and Avatars of Hindus. He also claimed that Krishna was an Avatar i.e. Prophet on whom the Holy Spirit would descend from God...also in later days God will send an Avatar in the image of Krishna and that is Mirza. And he goes on.

Note: Even if we assume Krishna might have been a Prophet. Still Mirza cannot be considered right as his claims were absolutely bogus and he claimed to be many people and zill of all Prophets not just Krishna.

8. "Hay Krishan Ji Roodur Gopal." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56)

9. "It is not good to confront the Brahmin Autar (i.e. Mirza)." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.116. Brackets added by author of this article)

10. "King of Aryans has come." (AlBushra Vol.1 P.56)

11. "Amin ulMulk Jai Singh Bahadur." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.118)

12. "That God be praised who took away my sorrow and gave me that thing which He had not given to any people in this era ." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi P.107, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.110)

 13. Mirza describes his divine inspiration:

God praises you from His throne, God is praising you and is coming towards you." (Anjam -e- Atham P.55, Roohani Khazain Vol.11 P.55)

 14. Mirza said: (Enemies) intended to disgrace me... Desired for my death and predicted about it. So our God gave me the good news that"I SHALL HAVE AGE OF EIGHTY (80) YEARS RATHER MAYBE MORE" (Roohani Khazain, Vol. 19, P. 239, Mawahib -ur- Rahman, P. 21. Brackets added) [But Mirza died in 1908. Died at age of 68 to 73 as we will prove below]

Note by editor Aamir Ibrahim: The satan who inspired to Mirza was himself confused about exact age of Mirza at death (whereas God cannot be), which is why Mirza according to good news of his god said, his age will be 80  "RATHER MAYBE MORE"

At another place Mirza said: We shall bestow upon you a pleasant and comfortable life, eighty years or thereabouts - meaning, a few years less or a few years more... (Tadhkirah, English version, Page Number 529. Also see: Ruhani Khazain 17/66).

Also said, God will make your life long, eighty years or five, four years more or five, four years less (Ruhani Khazain 22/100).

He also said: ..."GOD HAD INFORMED ME" in "CLEAR TERMS" that I would live to the age of eighty, or that five to six years more or five to six years less....Nor is there a promise of God that my age will necessarily exceed eighty years. Rather, the hope implied in the words in the revelation of God is that, If God so desires, my age could even somewhat exceed eighty years. The actual words of the Revelation that pertain to this promise, however, fix the age between 74 and 86....(Barahin -e- Ahmadiyya, Part 5, Page. 347. English version. Also in Ruhani Khazain 21/258, 259)

Qadiyanis have no answer to this so they try to create doubt on birth date of Mirza. However they fail so miserably that some of them including Mirza Qadiyani himself (See footnote in Ruhani Khazain 13/177 or see Kitab al Barriya, translated into English by name: A brief sketch of my life,  Page 10) said he was born in 1839 or 1840. This makes their life even more miserable because if we follow these dates then Mirza died in 1908, hence his age at death was even less than 73 i.e. It was 68 or 69

According to Qadiyani website Ahmadipedia, and Wikipedia Mirza was born on 13 February 1835 and died on 26 May 1908, which implies that his age at death was 73. (Note: We took these references today and have taken screenshots. If someone changes them later to deceive people then they will be caught red- handed)

15. In your (i.e. Mirza's) divine inspirations your opponents are called Kafir (Qadiyani Akhbar Al- Fazl,15 January 1935. Brackets added)

16. Mirza's son Bashir Ahmad said: Now the matter is clear, if the denial of the Nabi Kareem (Muhammad Peace be upon him) is disbelief, then the denial of the Promised Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani) must also be disbelief, because the Promised Messiah is not something different from Nabi Kareem (Muhammad Peace be upon him), but He is the same. If the denier of the Promised Messiah is not a disbeliever, then Naudhobillah the denier of the Holy Prophet is also not a disbeliever. Because how is it possible that denial of Prophet Muhammad in his first coming is disbelief, but in the second coming (i.e. of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani) according to the Promised Messiah, your spirituality is more strong, perfect and most vehement, so your denial how can not be disbelief. (Mirza's son Bashir Ahmad In Kalma tul Fasl. Pages: 146, 147. Brackets added)

17. It is written in Qadiyani newspaper al Fazl which we shall paraphrase as: Therefore, in these meanings, denying that the Promised Messiah (who is the means of the appearance of the Second Coming of the Holy Prophet)...It is like denying the Second Coming of the Holy Prophet and you being Ahmad and Nabi Allah. It makes the denier to exit folds of Islam, and makes him confirm Kafir (Akhbar al Fazl, June 29, 1913, see page 7)

Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Qadiyanis often try to deceive Muslims by saying that they consider us to be Muslims. So Beware!!

Lahori group strongly prove that majority of Qadiyanis, Mirza's son and many other Qadiyanis consider all Muslims to be Kafirs. Regarding Lahori group being Kafirs although they do not consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani to be a Prophet but rather Mujadid and Mahdi and Promised Messiah. But still they are Kafirs because Mirza Ghulam Ahmad did claim Prophethood (whether Zilli of Buroozi) and to be Promised Messiah and considered enemies to be Hell bound, so Lahori group is Kafir too.

18. Look, from the order of God, "EVERY DAY IN A MOMENT (OR HOUR) CRORES OF HUMAN BEINGS DIE ON EARTH AND CRORES TAKE BIRTH" with His intention” [Kashti -e- Nooh Page 37 Roohani Khazain Volume No. 19 Page 41. Brackets added]

Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: It was and still is logically impossible for "CRORES TO DIE EVERYDAY, LET ALONE IN HOUR OF DAY" and "CRORES TO TAKE BIRTH" So this lunatic Mirza was just firing arrows in the air.

19. "Antaaminnee bi manzilatawaladee - You are from me like my son" (Haqeeqat -ul- Wahi P.86, Roohani Khazain Vol.22 P.89. Although in footnote it says that he said it metaphorically. But still we as Muslims cannot accept such things allowed to be said even metaphorically. Plus we will show proofs that Mirza claimed to have become God in his visions. Remember visions of true Prophets are true but Mirza was a false one and liar)

20. "Anta minnee bi manzilatia wlaadee - you are from me like my sons." (AlBushra Vol.2 P.65)

Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Mirza did Shirk over here and also some of the statements of him shall be shown later where he claimed to have become God.  In Islam we cannot say such things even metaphorically. So it is confirmed that he was a Christian and British agent who tried to distort the Islamic teachings.

Disrespect in the court of Imam Hussain(R.A)

1. Mirza writes with great pride:"O Shia nation! Don't insist that Hussain is your savior because I tell you truthfully truthfully that today there is one among you who is greater than Hussain." (DafealBala P.13, Roohani Khazain Vol.18 P.233۔ Before this he even claimed to be greater than Maseeh ibn Maryum and said this to Christian missionaries. Also see Ruhani Khazain 18/240 where Mirza said meaning of which is that God will give birth to second Isa Ibn Maryum and he will be better than previous one and that is Mirza Qadiyani) 

2. Mirza writes in his book, Aijaz -e- Ahmadi: "And there is great difference between me and your Hussain, Because I am getting every moment support and help from God  But Hussain? Just recall the plains of Karbala ۔Till now you are crying, so just ponder!" (Aijaz -e- Ahmadi, Roohani Khazain Vol.19 P.181)

Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said in an authentic hadith: Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain.. [SunnanTirmidhi, Hadith # 4144] So these will be counted as direct disrespect of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) not only of Imam Hussain (RA).

Mirza Kadhaab even claimed to be Hajr -e- Aswad (the Black Stone of Ka'ba) and Bayt Ullah (House of Allah)

1. Mirza writes: "One man kissed my foot, and I said to him that I am Hajr -e- Aswad (the Black Stone of Ka'ba)." (TadhkirahMajmuahIlhamaat, Kushoof o Roya, Page. 33, UK, 2023 edition. Brackets added)

2. God in His divine inspirations kept my name Bayt Ullah (House of God) too (Footnote in Roohani Khazain. Vol. 17, Pages 444, 445. Brackets added)

3. He writes:"Zameen -e- Qadian ab Mohtram hay. Hujoom -e- Khalq say Arz -e- Haram hay

Translation: The land of Qadiyan is now honoured, with flocking of people it has become the Land of Haram (Makkah)" (DurreSameen, Urdu P.56. Brackets added)

The False Dreams and Claiming to be a god

1. Mirza Qadiyani (LanatUllah) said, which is paraphrased: I (Mirza Qadiyani) saw in my Kashf (divine inspiration) that I myself am God and I believed in this that I am Him (God).۔۔۔He then made long discussion also said: "God entered in my being ... and in this condition I was saying like this that WE WANT A NEW SYSTEM AND NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH. Thus initially I created Heaven and Earth in Ijmali (i.e. brief) form...After making long discussion he tries to defend himself that he did not claim to be god (Note from author of this article: Although he did so) then said to Christians in boast that they should compare ilhamaat on Mirza with Ilhamaat on Jesus and they should decide that Mirza's ilhamaat are superior to that of Jesus from which Christians claim Jesus's divinity. If someone's godhood can be derived from such ilhamaat then Naudhobillah my (i.e. Mirza's) Ilhamaat by fortiori (a stronger reason) proves my divinity more than Jesus.... (Ruhani Khazain V. 13, P. 103 to106. Brackets added. Although Mirza has used word Naudhobillah but still his complete discussion proves that he was claiming to be god. Also see V.5, P.564, 565 which shall be mentioned separately ahead)

2. The Summary of what Mirza said and It is paraphrased: I saw in my dream that I am exactly God and I believed that I am Him, neither my intention remained nor any danger ...... in this capacity (when I was God) I said: We want a new system, new heavens, new earth. Thus I initially created heaven and earth in an Ijmali (brief) form in which there was neither any differentiation nor any arrangement. Then I separated them and arranged them ... and at that moment I found myself capable of doing that. Then I created the first sky and said: We have adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps (Qur'an 67:5).Then I said: We will create human with a potion of clay. Thus I made Adam and I created Adam on the best shape and in this manner I became KHALIQ - Creator." (Aina -e- Kamalaat -e- Islam P.564, 565; Roohani Khazain Vol.5 P. 564, 565)

3. "I had been given the quality of annihilating and giving life.And this quality is given to me by God (Khutba -e- Ilhamiyah P.23; Roohani Khazain Vol.16 P.55, 56)

4. At another place, he mentions his divine inspiration: "(O Mirza!) Verily, It is your order. When you intend for something, you say: (Be), and it happens." (Al Bushra Vol.2 P.94. Brackets added)

5. "I saw in my dream that I am in the Court of God the Exalted, I am waiting that there is my case, then got the answer: O Mirza! Be patient, We will soon be free... Then once I saw that I went into the court, God the Exalted is sitting on the chair in the form of a Ruler and on one side there is a clerk who is presenting him with some documents which are in his hand. Ruler picked up the document and said: Mirza is present. Then I saw closely and it appeared that beside Him there is a vacant chair and He asked me to sit on it and He has the documents in his hand۔ Then I woke up." (Mukashifaat P.28, 29)

Mirza had promised to write 50 parts i.e. volumes of book, but when he failed to write fifty and was able to write only 5, he practised this following deceit to fool people


He claims that there is No Difference between 50 and 5 except for a dot (zero)

1. Mirza said:  “First I had intended to write ”FIFTY PARTS (VOLUMES)” and I was satisfied in (writing) fifty than five, as in numbers of fifty and five there is difference of ”JUST A DOT (ZERO)” So I have fulfilled my promise by writing five (instead of 50) “(Baraheen -e- Ahmadia V.5. P. 7, Roohani Khazain V.21 P.9. Brackets added)

2. Mirza raised funds on the commitment that he would write a huge book in 50 volumes. However, he stopped the work when only 5 small volumes had been written. When asked about the discrepancy, he reasoned that “There is a difference of only a dot between 5 and 50!”

Mirza calling himself Absurd

Mirza said: "This is an absolutely irrational and absurd (Behuda) matter that the "ORIGINAL LANGUAGE OF A PERSON IS DIFFERENT AND THE DIVINE INSPIRATION IS SENT IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGE" which he cannot even understand, because in this there is unbearable burden۔ And what is the use of such a divine inspiration which is beyond human understanding" (Chashma -e- Ma'arifat p.209, Roohani Khazain vol.23 p.218. Brackets added) 

Let us now see the languages in which Mirza received divine inspirations, quite an opposite statement.

Mirza said: "However it is more surprising than this that certain divine inspirations come to me also in those languages ABOUT WHICH I HAVE NO FAMILIARITY AT ALL" like English or Sanskrit or Hebrew etc۔" (Nuzool -e- Maseeh p.57, Roohani Khazain vol.18 p.435)

Towards end we will show grammatically incorrect English in so called divine inspirations sent to Mirza.

Death of Kadhaab

Qadiyanis claim that, Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani recited Kalima during his dying moment. Let us understand this from the people who were beside his bed, before his death

Mir Nasir Nawab, father -in- law of Mirza Ghulam was at his bedside. Mir Nasir in his biography, Hayat -e- Nasir, wrote:

1. "When I reached HazratSaheb and saw his condition, then he addressed me and said: MIR SAHEB. I HAVE DEVELOPED EPIDEMIC CHOLERA'. I think After that He (MIRZA) did not say anything clear till he died next day at 10 am." (Hayat -e- Nasir, p.14. Brackets added)

2. "Huzoor could not talk two hours before death. Dr Mirza YaqoobBaig Sahib marhoom and Dr Syed Mohammad Hussain Shah were the treating physicians. Huzoor asked for paper, pen and ink and wrote: I have too much dryness. I cannot talk." and there were some other words like this which could not be read." (Statement of 'SAHABI' of Mirza in Akhbar al Fazl, dated 24th November 1937)

It is clear from the above statements that, Mirza didn't repent from his fabrications/lies and disbelief and also didn't utter Kalima.

Miscellaneous Statements

1. Mirza lied about Sahih Bukhari and gave false reference. It is our challenge to all Qadiyanis to show just one hadith from Sahih Bukhari which states: Voice will come from sky that "This is Caliph of Allah, the Mahdi" The author shall give heavy amount of money to one who does so.

Mirza said: ...For example those hadiths of Sahih Bukhari in which news has been given regarding some caliphs of last era. Especially that Caliph regarding whom it is written in Bukhari that VOICE WILL COME FROM SKY REGARDING HIM THAT THIS IS CALIPH OF ALLAH THE MAHDI. Now think this hadith is of what rank and status which is stated in such a book which is most authentic after Book of Allah. (Ruhani Khazain. Vol. 6, Page. 337)

2. The basis for my this claim is not Hadith but Quran and that Wahi which came to me. Yes, in support we also present those Hadiths which are according to Quran Shareef and DO NOT CONTRADICT MY WAHI. Rest of the Hadiths, WE THHROW THEM AWAY LIKE A WASTE PAPER."(Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.140)

Again read Qur'an Chapter  6, Verse 93.

3. Mirza's God the meaning of which is that: He prays, fasts, awakens, and sleeps (Al- Bushra 2/79)

Regarding Allah fasting Mirza tried to defend himself by saying:

It is obvious that God does not observe fast or break it. These words are not literally applicable to Him, they are used metaphorically and mean: I shall sometimes send down My chastisement and at other times I shall grant respite.… Divine books are full of such metaphors. For instance it is said in a hadith that on the Day of Judgment God will say: I was ill, I was hungry, 'I WAS NAKED" etc.

[Haqiqatul- Wahi, p. 104 footnote, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, p. 107, footnote]

Reference: Qadiyani book, Tadhkirah, English version, Page: 570.

First of all Mirza lied that Allah was naked (God forbid) as such a hadith is baseless. Secondly we can only use those metaphors which are used in Qur'an and authentic hadiths. The hadith about Allah being ill, asking for food, and drink is present in Sunni books like Sahih Muslim but not in Qur'an whereas Mirza claimed such metaphors to be mentioned in Divine Books. We are sure of only Qur'an to be a perfectly Divine book, whereas others such as Old and New testaments are severely corrupted. Qur'an categorically negates Allah sleeping or awakening in Ayat al Kursi. Also Allah praying or fasting in not mentioned in Qur'an. Sahih Muslim and hadith books are not Divine books either in spite of having authentic narrations. Anyways we cannot add things like Allah "Praying" "Sleeping" "Awakening" As far as we know Mirza has only defended himself on Allah fasting issue but not on praying, sleeping, awakening statements of his.

Plus the addition of word "NAKED" for Allah as done by Mirza is a baseless claim.

Note: There is a fabricated hadith that Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:... The first one to pray (funeral prayer) for me is Allah from above His throne. [Narrated in Mu'jam al Kabeer of Imam Tabrani # 2676. Imam Nurud din Haythami said after narrating it, It contains Abd al- Mun'im bin Idrees who is a Kadhaab (liar) and one who fabricates (hadiths). Majma uz Zawaid 9/31 # 14253. Imam Ibn Jawzi also mentioned it in his book over fabricated hadiths i.e. Mawdhoo'aat. Imam Suyuti also mentioned it in his book over Fabricated hadiths]

4. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed wrote the meaning of which is that once he put some matter in writing and placed it before the Almighty for His signature. God signed it with blackness in red ink… and on the tip of the pen where there was excess (black) ink...Almighty shook His pen and drops of ink fell on Mirza's clothes... (Tiryaq -ul- Qulubpg 33)

5. On 5 March 1905 I dreamed of a person who appeared to be an angel... When I asked his name, he said I have no name, I said you must have some name. He said my name is Tichi  - Tichi-   In Punjabi language it is called prescribed time, meaning one coming at the exact time of need, then I woke up (Roohani Khazain Vol. 22. Page 346)

Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: We should all laugh at the name "Tichi" I think Disney should get some ideas from Mirza Qadiyani.

6. Paraphrased: One of Mirza's Angel came in his dream in the form of a man called MithanLal who used to be Extra assistant commissioner (TadhkirahMajmuaIlhaamat, Kushoof o Roya. Page No. 525. UK, 2023 edition)

7. Ãyal came to me and chose me and rotated his fingers and signified that the promise of Allah had arrived. In footnote it says: Here Allah the Almighty has named Gabriel as Ãyal, because he returns often (Author) (HaqiqatulWahi, English. Page Number: 124)

8. (Due to my teachings) which had a result that, lacs of people have given up the false ideas of Jihad. Which were in hearts of people due to Mullahs with less intelligence.  (Sitara -e- Qaisariyapg 3. Brackets added but that is what Mirza is implying)

Note by Editor Aamir Ibrahim: Again a glaring proof that Mirza was a British agent۔

 9. Let us look at some grammatically incorrect English in so called divine inspirations sent to Mirza the accursed one.

(a) I can what I will do.

(b) We can what we will do. (Reference of both these is Tadhkirah Majmuah Ilhamaat, Kushoof o Roya. Page Number: 56. UK, 2023 edition)

(c) You have to go Amritsar. (Tadhkirah Majmuah Ilhamaat, Kushoof o Roya. Page Number: 102. UK, 2023 edition)


(d) Words of God cannot exchange. (Tadhkirah Majmuah Ilhamaat, Kushoof o Roya. Page Number: 87. UK, 2023 edition)


(e) Words of God not can exchange. (Tadhkirah Majmuah Ilhamaat, Kushoof o Roya. Page Number: 101. UK, 2023 edition. Regarding this it is written in footnote that (Note by Syed Abdul Hayee) This "SEEMS TO" be scribe's error. This divine inspiration is also written at page 87 where there are words of cannot. End- quote.  This is a futile attempt to defend Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani. However in Urdu statement of Mirza and also English translation below, it is written like we have mentioned)


(f) He halts in the Zilla Peshawar. (Tadhkirah Majmuah Ilhamaat, Kushoof o Roya. Page Number 102. UK, 2023 edition. Mirza said before it: Then there is a sentence the meaning of which I do not know and that is this. End- quote. So it is laughable. If it is meant, he lives or resides in Zilla Peshawar then the statement of Mirza is not accurate, plus instead of word Zilla the word district would have been better.)


The satan who sent these to Mirza (LA) was poor in English as well.


10. Doctor Mir Muhammad Ismaeel told me that he has heard many times from the Promised Messiah alaihissalam (actually accursed) that he has Hysteria. And sometimes he used to call it Miraq (Mental derangement, Melancholy, depression) as well.

(Son of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani i.e. Mirza Bashir Ahmad in his book Seeratul Mahdi, Vol 2, Page No. 340. Brackets added.  Although Mirza Bashir has tried to defend Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani on this issue but failed miserably)


 Abusive language of Mirza Qadiyani.


Mirza said: Our enemies have become PIGS OF WILDERNESS AND THEIR WOMEN HAVE BECOME WORSE THAN B*TCHES (In Roman Urdu: DushmanhamarayBayabaano kay Khanzeerhogayayaur Un kiaurtainKutiyoon say barhgayihain)

دشمن ہمارے بیابانوں کے خنزیر ہو گئے اور اُن کی عورتیں کتیوں سے بڑھ گئی ہیں۔

(Ruhani Khazain 14/53. Book Najmul Huda. Brackets added)

In English translation of Mirza's book Najm ul Huda it is translated as:

My foes have been turned into the swine of the wilderness, And their women have been converted into worse than curs. [Najmul Huda (The Star that Guides), English version, Page 22. Both translations we showed can be taken]

Mirza while trying to refute Abdullah Atham (Christian) called even Muslims and their scholars who do Takdhib of Mirza as, It is paraphrased: Not being born in halal way (i.e. B*stard) and not of good breed. (Ruhani Khazain 9/31. Book Anwar ul Islam. Brackets added. Translation of words "NaikZaatnahi" is primarily "Not of good breed" See Rekhta dictionary for meaning of نیک ذات And it also means same due to Mirza's statement in context)

Plus ahead Mirza said: He who indulges in nonsense against this clear decision and out of wickedness goes on repeating that the Christians have achieved victory and continues immodest and shameless and without replying justly to our decision will not refrain from denial and the use of loose language and will not admit our victory will make it clear that "HE IS EAGER TO BE CONSIDERED A BASTARD AND IS NOT LEGITIMATE (ibid. This part is taken from Qadiyani website)

We cannot even call Christians as b*stards let alone Muslims and their scholars. Mirza was such a big liar and cheat that Muslims took the side of a Christian and considered Mirza defeated in his debate with Abdullah Atham (a Christian). Mirza had claimed Abdullah Atham would die in 15 months, which he did not. Qadiyanis try to defend Mirza in his false prophecy though, we have discussed Mirza’s contradicting claims of divine inspirations regarding his age of death before. Remember leading QadiyaniMunazirRaziNauman has accepted and said: Sadly some Maulvis joined Atham.

We know Qadiyanis try to defend Mirza by saying that Qur'an has said that some Jews were turned into apes and pigs (See: Qur'an 5:60, Also 7:166). Compared one who disbelieves to a dog lolling out his tongue (See: 7:176). Worst of creatures (98:6). Also worst of creation (8:22) (some translators use word beasts too in translation of 8:22) and such. The answer to this is the following.

(a) Muslims let alone their scholars cannot be compared to disbelievers like Jews and others. Qadiyanis try to convince Muslims to accept their cult by being soft spoken and say things like Love for all, Hatred for none. They hypocritically and deceivingly say, they consider us to be Muslims. They should from now onwards say that Muslims and their scholars are pigs and their women are b*tches. This is how they should start their missionary activity.

(b) Allah can say/do whatever He likes as Qur'an says: He cannot be questioned for His acts, but they will be questioned (for theirs). (21:23. Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali)

(c) Mirza the apostate has called all his enemies as such. This cannot be justified in any way.

They also use hadith that Ulama of later days are condemned as apes and swine (Hakeem Tirmidhi not to be confused with Jami' Tirmidhi of Kutb -e- Sitta, Tadhkirah fi ahwal al Mawtawaumur al Akhirah of Imam Shams ud din Qurtubi, Kanz ul Umaal and some other books of low level).

Qadiyanis apply this hadith to Ulama during the time of Mirza. First of all this hadith is weak and has many problems in it. The chain of this is mentioned in Tadhkira of Imam Shams ud din Qurtubi Page 1256 as:

ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎ ﻋﻤﺮ ﺑﻦ ﺃﺑﻲ ﻋﻤﺮ ﻗﺎﻝ: ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎ ﻫﺸﺎﻡ ﺑﻦ ﺧﺎﻟﺪ اﻟﺪﻣﺸﻘﻲ، ﻋﻦ ﺇﺳﻤﺎﻋﻴﻞ ﺑﻦ ﻋﻴﺎﺵ، ﻋﻦ ﻟﻴﺚ، ﻋﻦ اﺑﻦ ﺳﺎﺑﻂ ﻋﻦ ﺃﺑﻲ ﺃﻣﺎﻣﺔ ﻗﺎﻝ: ﻗﺎﻝ ﺭﺳﻮﻝ اﻟﻠﻪ ﺻﻠﻰ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ

i.e. UMAR BIN ABI UMAR from Hishaam bin Khalid ad-Damishqi from Ismaeel bin Ayyash from LAYTH from Ibn Sabit FROM Abi Umama who said that Prophet Peace be upon him said:...

In the Salafi book

كتاب إتحاف الجماعة بما جاء في الفتن والملاحم وأشراط الساعة، المؤلف: حمود بن عبد الله التويجري 


It is declared weak.

It is weak because Abdur Rahman bin sabit did not have Sama (hearing) from Abu Umamah. Laith bin Abi Salim whom many scholars of Hadith declared weak. Narrator Umar bin Abi Umar being Majhool (unknown),

Also Secondly the answer to this is that those scholars of misguidance were not the ones during the time of Mirza who opposed him. Plus Muslim scholars were right in refuting Mirza not vice versa. We have proven Mirza to be a Dajjal (grand liar), Kafir, Murtad (apostate), and cheat on our website.

Qadiyanis also use another hadith the first of which we will show from Mishkaat which gives reference of Shu'ab al Iman of Imam Bayhaqi. Hadith states:

Ali reported God’s messenger as saying, “ A time is soon coming to mankind when nothing of Islam but its name will remain and only the written form of the Qur'an will remain. Their mosques will be in fine condition but will be devoid of guidance, their learned men will be the worst people under heaven, corruption coming forth from them and returning among them.” Baihaqi transmitted it in Shu'ab al- Iman. (Mishkaat # 276)

First of all it does not call scholars as worse than animals rather calls them worst people under heaven. In both English and urdu translations of Mishkaat present online (see: for English and Islam 360 app for urdu) It is translated as worst people under heaven. Even if we accept that it means they will be worst than all creation then, again this hadith is weak too. Salafi scholar Albani declared it weak. Also Salafi scholar Zubayr Ali Zai declared it weak. Muhaqiq of Mujalisa wa Jawahir al Ilm (Author of the book is Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Marwan al Daynawari al Maliki) i.e. Mashoor bin Hasan Aal Salman has graded this narration as “Extremely weak”. See Mujalisa wa Jawahir al ilm 2/359

Abdullah bin Dukain is weak, also Ali bin Hussain (rah) did not meet or hear from Ali bin AbiTalib (RA). There are other hadiths like this but some are fabricated and others weak, Regarding one Imam Bayhaqi (rah) said:

It is Mawquf (narrated by a Sahabi, not Prophet). The chain of it up to Sharik is unknown, and the first one (i.e. one from Abdullah bin dukain) is munqati (i.e. interrupted/broken). And Allah knows the best. (Hence they are all weak) [See Shu'ab al Imaan of Imam Bayhaqi # 1765]

Plus one of them has no wording which could be translated as scholars being worst of creation. The remaining answer has already been given above in regards to hadith about scholars in later days being like apes and swine.

Regarding Mirza calling his opponents (i.e. Muslims, scholars of Islam and even Christians) as b*stards. Then Qadiyanis try to defend him by saying that Qur'an has used such wording for a disbeliever Walid bin Mughira.

Note: Author has seen Qadiyani and Lahori Ahmadi replies on this issue. They are confused. They try to assert that Mirza actually called his opponents B*stards and illegitimate as I showed their own translation above, but at the same time try to say, he said it metaphorically (which is a lie of course). They have the audacity to bring verses about Noah (a.s)'s son who rejected the teachings and became Kafir. (They use verses 11:46, 47). Noah's son was Naudhobillah not a bastard child (this would be a big disrespect of Noah a.s) but only called not son of Noah due to his Kufr and becoming Kafir. Even metaphorically he was not a bastard child. Remember Noah (a.s) addressed his son gently before he became Kafir as: “O my son” (See: 11:42). Nowhere in Qur'an is stated that Noah (a.s) called his son bastard whether really or metaphorically, whether before he became Kafir or later.

Qadiyanis misuse 68:13 to literally assert that Muslims, scholars of Islam, and even Christians were literally bastards. So their trick that it means metaphorically is clear deception. Even if we assume (speculate) it to be metaphorical still it remains abusive.

Qur'an says in 68:13: coarse, and on top of all that, an imposter. (M.A.S Abdel Haleem translation. Intrusive as translated by M. Pickthall. Notorious by T.Usmani. Free minds translates it as: greedy. Qaribullah as: low character. Asad as: utterly useless [to his fellow- men]. Safi Kaskas translates as: one who is despicable. Sarwar translated it as: moraly corrupt. QXP translates it as worthless to the society. On website literal translation of zaneem is given as: a known mean low or evil person. Even Lahori Ahmadi group translation in English of Muhammad Ali It is translated as: Ignoble, besides all that, notoriously mischievous. His actual Urdu translation is which we shall write in Roman: SakhtJhagralo, Is kay IlawaShararat main Mashoor (hai). Page 2651.

In commentary he does accept meanings to be: One who is not from nation but is attributed to them...also means child of fornicator. Also narrated from Saeed bin Jubayr that it means one who is famous in mischief End- quote. So the narration of Saeed bin Jubayr will supersede. Note: Lahori group also know about abusive language of Mirza and try to defend him. In Qadiyani translation of Mirza Tahir Ahmad their Quran has wrong references in stead of 68:13 their Quran has this verse at 68:14, this is how it is at many or most places, verses are one ahead of original reference (Contrary to Quranic references Muslims follow). Anyways he has translated it as: “illegitimate child”. Without saying it was a metaphor.

In urdu as "Badnam (In English it means notorious)" by Mahmud ul Hasan in Tafsir -e- Usmani. In Tafsir of it, it says, that according to some Salaf it also means one born out of fornication and b*stard. Regarding the Ka fir these verses were revealed "HE WAS JUST LIKE THAT"

Now the answer to this is that a lot of translators did not translate the word Zaneem as an illegitimate child (b*stard). Even if we accept the translation to be illegitimate child (b*stard) then Walid bin Mughira was actually and really an illegitimate child as proven from Islamic sources.

It says in Tafsir al Jalalyn: moreover ignoble an adopted son of Quraysh — namely al- Walīd b. al- Mughīra whose father claimed him after eighteen years; Ibn ‘Abbās said ‘We know of no one whom God has described in the derogatory way in which He describes him blighting him with ignominy that will never leave him the adverbial qualifier ba‘dadhālika ‘moreover’ is semantically connected to zanīm ‘ignoble’ —

Imam Fakhrud din Raazi (rah) said, which is paraphrased as: (There are many sayings in regards to Zaneem). Fara said: Who attributes himself towards some nation but is not from it. It also means born due to fornication who attributes himself to some nation but is actually not from that nation....His father claimed him after eighteen years that he was his son. It is said his mother fornicated but it was not famous, until this verse was revealed. "SHA'BI SAID ZANEEM MEANS ONE WHO IS SO FAMOUS OF BEING EVIL AND CENSURED LIKE A FEMALE GOAT IS KNOWN FROM ITS HANGING EAR۔ IBN ABBAS SAID, THAT PERSON IS CALLED ZANEEM WHO BECAME FAMOUS DUE TO EXCESSIVE MEAT IN HIS NECK. MAQATIL SAID ZANEEM IS THAT PERSON WHOSE ROOT OF EAR HAS EXCESSIVE MEAT.

Hence meanings given by many Salaf will supersede.

Salafi scholar AbdusSattarHammad said:...Just like one having an excess piece in neck or ear which has no purpose, similarly that man in his nation also has no importance. That Kafir regarding whom these verses were revealed, then "HE HAD ACTUALLY THESE ATTRIBUTES" (Hadaya tul Qari, Sharh Sahih al Bukhari, Urdu, under hadith 4917)

In Irfan ul Qur'an translation of Dr. Tahir ulQadri it is said: These Verses were sent down about Walid b. Mughira. The venerable ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Abbas states: ‘For no one else have so many humiliating titles been used to date in the Holy Book as Allah has given to this evil soul.’ Because Walid b. Mughira blasphemed against the glory of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), Allah replied, describing ten of Walid b. Mughira’s evils, and He also revealed his illegitimacy in the end. Later his mother validated this fact. See: Tafsir al- Qurtubi, al- Razi, al- Nasafi, etc.

Also according to Qur'an no one else has been attributed with such bad traits especially that of Zaneem. Hence how dare Mirza the apostate call his enemies (i.e. Muslims, our scholars and even Christians) as b*stards? How did he know they were all b*stards?

Note: Qadiyanis have tried to defend Mirza in using word B*stard, so they applied the literal meaning in defence of Mirza.

Qadiyanis try to defend Mirza from his statements that the abusive words he used were not abuses but rather truths and facts. They quote Mirza saying:

I say "TRULY, ABSOLUTELY TRULY", that I have not, "TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE" used even one word which can be called abusive. A misconception arises because most people fail to differentiate between hurling abuse and narrating the truth...(Ruhani Khazain 3/109. Book Izala e Auham, Part 1. Translation taken from Qadiyani website)

First of all Mirza claimed and said: I truly and absolutely truly say...then he said "To the best of my knowledge", what a confusing statement. Plus Izala e Auham from which this quote is given was published in 1891, whereas Najmul Huda was published in 1898 where he called enemies as Pigs and their women as b*tches. Also Anwar ul Islam was published in 1894 where he called his enemies as b*stards. (These dates are taken from Qadiyani website)

Anyways it is still a futile attempt to defend Mirza because in our article we have proven Mirza to be false claimant of Prophet (s) (whether Zilli or Buroozi), a liar, deceiver, Murtad (apostate) and cheat. This is the unanimous opinion of Ahlus Sunnah and even Twelver Shia.

Qadiyanis also try to defend Mirza by using Old testament and Gospels, and such, which were for sure not preserved even long long before Mirza's birth rather not even during Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)'s time, rather even before that they were corrupted (Listen to Bart Ehrman). They even try to claim through Mirza's own writings which states:

“When Jesus calls the respectable religious lawyers and Pharisees of the Jews as swine and dogs, and their most honourable leader Herod a fox, and compares their respectable priests and jurists to whores, and as regards the revered leaders, who were accorded the highest respect by the Roman rulers and made to sit with honour in the Roman courts, he speaks of them in these offensive, very hurtful and uncivil words, calling them illegitimate, adulterous, evil, dishonourable, faithless, fools, hypocrites, satanic, doomed to hell, serpents and brood of vipers — are not these words very serious, filthy abuse in the opinion of the critic? From this it becomes evident that the objection of the critic does not only apply to me and my books "BUT IN REALITY HE HAS ATTACKED ALL THE DIVINE SCRIPTURES AND PROPHETS WITH A BURNING HEART”(pages 14–15; Ruhani Khaza’in, v. 3, p. 109–110۔ Translation taken from Lahori Ahmadi website. Emphasized by me)

Whereas we Muslims believe those scriptures have been severely corrupted, so such obscenities cannot be attributed to previous Prophets let alone Jesus (a.s). Even Qadiyanis accept that previous scriptures including four gospels have been corrupted, so how dare Mirza use them and these forgeries to defend his abusive language.Rather we refute Christianity by saying that at one place your Biblical Jesus said:

But I tell you, don’t be angry with anyone. If you are angry with others, you will be judged. And if you insult someone, you will be judged by the high court. And if you call someone a fool, you will be in danger of the fire of hell. (Matthew, 5:22. Easy to read Version. ERV)

In Arabic version it says:

أمَّا أنَا فَأقُولُ لَكُمْ إنَّ مَنْ يَغْضَبُ مِنْ شَخْصٍ آخَرَ فَإنَّهُ يَسْتَحِقُّ المُحَاكَمَةَ، وَمَنْ يَشْتِمُ شَخْصًا آخَرَ يَنْبَغِي أنْ يَقِفَ أمَامَ مَجلِسِ القَضَاءِ. وَكُلُّ مَنْ يَقُولُ لِشَخْصٍ آخَرَ: ‹أيُّهَا الغَبِيُّ› يَسْتَحِقُّ الجَحِيمَ

Translation: But I say to you all , any person who becomes angry with another Person then he is deserving of being judged. And one who abuses another then he should stand in front of Judicial council. And everyone who says about another person  then he is deserving of hell (Arabic Bible, Easy to Read version)

In Urdu version it says:

لیکن میں تم سے جو کہتا ہوں کہ تم کسی پرغصّہ نہ کرو ہر ایک تمہارا بھائی ہے اگر تم دوسروں پر غصہ کروگے تو تمہارافیصلہ ہوگا اور اگر تم کسی کو برا کہوگے تو تم سے یہودیوں کی عدالت میں چاراجوئی ہوگی۔اگر تم کسی کو نادان یااُجڈ کے نام سے پکارو گے تو دوزخ کی آ گ کے مستحق ہو گے

English translation: But what I say to you that you should not be angry towards anyone (as) EVERYONE IS YOUR BROTHER. If you get angry on others then decision will be made about you. And If you call someone bad, then in the court of Jews you will be tried. If you call someone with name of fool or (call him) ill mannered, then you will be deserving of Fire of Hell. (Urdu, Easy to read version. Brackets added).

But elsewhere your Biblical Jesus said: You are blind fools! Can’t you see that the Temple is greater than the gold on it? It’s the Temple that makes the gold holy! (Matthew 23:17. Easy to read Version. ERV)

We know Christians try to defend themselves on this issue, but are wrong. Remember when Biblical Jesus of Christians told not to insult nor even call someone fool then the abuses attributed to Jesus (a.s) that he said them, are proven as forgeries. Now the question to Qadiyanis is that even though you accept previous scriptures are corrupted and we also accept so, but still we hypothetically ask: Were all the Muslims, their women, and scholars like Jewish Pharisees and Jewish scholars? As said before Qadiyanis try to convince Muslims to accept their cult by being soft spoken and say things like Love for all, Hatred for none. They hypocritically and deceivingly say, they consider us to be Muslims.

Above all Quran states: And (remember) when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel, (saying): Worship none save Allah (only), and be good to parents and to kindred and to orphans and the needy, and speak kindly to mankind; and establish worship and pay the poor- due. Then, after that, ye slid back, save a few of you, being averse. (Quran 2:83. M.Pickthall translation)

When this was enjoined upon Bani Israel then Jesus (a.s) by fortiori (a stronger reason) cannot use abusive/foul language.

They also try to defend Mirza through his writings that he resorted to foul language just in retaliation. The answer to this is that, did genuine Sunni scholars, and their women or even other women call Mirza b*stard? Also Swine and ape? Qadiyanis should show proof where they "ALL" did so. Note at: Qadiyanis should show proof where they “ALL” did so.

 Still it is not justified according to Islam to use abusive language in retaliation. Qur'an teaches us:

 The ˹true˺ servants of the Most Compassionate are those who walk on the earth humbly, and when the foolish address them ˹improperly˺, they only respond with peace.(25:63. Dr. Mustafa Khattab translation). 

Qur'an states: Invite ˹all˺ to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and kind advice, and only debate with them in the best manner. Surely your Lord ˹alone˺ knows best who has strayed from His Way and who is ˹rightly˺ guided. (16:125. Translation of Dr. Mustafa Khattab. One may check other translations too. Word beautiful preaching or fair preaching is also used)

Qur'an tells us not to revile even false idols because Mushrikeen in retaliation revile the true One God.

Qur'an states: Revile not those unto whom they pray beside Allah lest they wrongfully revile Allah through ignorance. Thus unto every nation have We made their deed seem fair. Then unto their Lord is their return, and He will tell them what they used to do. (6:108. M.Pickthall translation)

Qur'an said to Moses (a.s) and Aaron (a.s):

Go, both of you, to Pharaoh, for he has truly transgressed ˹all bounds˺.Speak to him GENTLY, so perhaps he may be mindful ˹of Me˺ or fearful ˹of My punishment˺.” (20:43, 44. Translation of Dr. Mustafa Khattab. Emphasized by me)

Qur'an states: ...And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name [i.e., mention] of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent -  then it is those who are the wrongdoers. (49:11. Sahih International translation)

Qadiyanis also misuse verse of Qur'an i.e. 4:148, which states: Allah does not like negative thoughts to be voiced—except by those who have been wronged. Allah is All- Hearing, All- Knowing. (Translation by Dr. Mustafa Khattab. Some have translated it as evil words, harsh, or bad words)

The word بِٱلسُّوٓءِ does not necessarily refer to using abusive words, especially in retaliation. Even if we take it to mean sending Lanah (curse) as mentioned in Tafaseer (Note: Qadiyani at ahmadianswers website has said: Firstly, the word “lanat” is not a swear word. It refers to losing the Blessings of God. Also said: 'Lanat” is not a curse word, rather a prayer. When Allah Sends His curse on a person, it means Allah Removed them from His Nearness and Love. End- quote)

So it does not justify saying abusive words or lying in retaliation.

It states in Tafsir Ibn Kathir under this verse:

 Sayyidna Ibn Abbas (RA) said in Tafsir of this verse: It is not allowed for a Muslim to invoke (curse) upon another Muslim. However one who is oppressed can invoke (curse) on the oppressor and he said regarding {Except those who have been wronged} IF HE STAYS PATIENT THEN IT IS SUPERIOR" In Abu Dawood there is hadith Narrated by Aisha (RA): Something of her was stolen, and she began to curse him (i.e. the thief). The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to her: Do not lessen his sin. Imam Hasan Basri (rah) said: He should not be invoked upon (i.e. cursed), rather this supplication should be made: O Allah help me in regards to this thief and make him return (what was) my right. Another narration is narrated by him that although it is permitted for oppressed to invoke upon (i.e. curse) the oppressor, but it should be remembered that he does not cross limits. Abdul Kareem bin Malik Jazri (rah) said in explanation of this verse: One who swears can be sweared back, however one who lies (regarding you) then in return you cannot lie back. And It is in another verse: There is no blame on those who enforce justice after being wronged. (42:41. Dr. Mustafa Khattab translation). It is in Abu Dawud: Abu Hurairah (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) said: “When two men insult one another, what they say is mainly the fault of the one who began it, so long as the one who is oppressed does not transgress...(Translation taken from English version of Bulugh al Maram but hadith is similar), then Imam Ibn Kathir mentions hadith: It was narrated that Uqbah bin Amir said:

"We said to the Messenger of Allah(ﷺ): ' You send us and we stay with people who do not show us any hospitality. What do you think of that?' The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'If you stay with people and they give you what a guest deserves, then accept it. If they do not do that , then take from them what they should have offered, which a guest is entitled to.'"

Then Imam Ibn Kathir showed a hadith from MusnadBazzar. Similar to it is narrated in AdabulMufrad of Imam Bukhari which we will mention here along with addition present in Abu Dawud:

Abu Hurayra said, "A man said, 'Messenger of Allah, I have a neighbour who does me harm. He said, (In a version of Abu Dawud it says, go and have patience. He again came to him twice or thrice). (Prophet said): Go and take your things out into the road.' He took his things out into the road. People gathered around him and asked, 'What's the matter?' He replied, 'A neighbour of mine injures me and I mentioned it to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He told me, "Take your things out into the road."' They began to say, 'O Allah, curse him! O Allah, disgrace him!' When the man heard that, he came out to him and said, 'Go back to your home. By Allah, I will not harm you.'"

End- quote.

Let us see quote from Tafsir al Khazin:

Maqatil said: This verse was revealed regarding Abu Bakr (RA). One person in presence of Prophet (Peace be upon him) disrespected Abu Bakr (RA), Abu Bakr (RA) kept quiet but still that person kept on (insulting him), then once Abu Bakr (RA) responded. After that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) stood up. Abu Bakr (RA) said: O Prophet! I have been abused and you have not responded anything to it. Until when I responded (to the person) then Prophet stood up and said: An angel was answering from your side, but when you responded the Angel left and Satan arrived. Regarding this the verse was revealed. (Tafsir al Khazin)

Similar narration is in Abu Dawood which states: Narrated Sa'id ibn al- Musayyab:

While the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was sitting with some of his companions, a man reviled AbuBakr and insulted him. But AbuBakr remained silent. He insulted him twice, but AbuBakr controlled himself. He insulted him thrice and AbuBakr took revenge on him. Then the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) got up when AbuBakr took revenge. AbuBakr said: Were you angry with me, Messenger of Allah? The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) replied: An angel came down from Heaven and he was rejecting what he had said to you. When you took revenge, a devil came down. I was not going to sit when the devil came down.

Next one says:


The tradition mentioned above has also been transmitted by Abu Hurairah through a different chain of narrators. This version has:

A man was reviling Abu Bakr. He then mentioned the rest of the tradition in a similar manner.

Abu Dawud said: Similarly, it has been transmitted by Safwan b. ‘Isa, from Ibn ‘Affan, as Sufyan said. (Sunnan Abu Dawood, # 4896, 4897. Previous one declared Hasan li Ghayrihi by Albani but next one which corroborate it as Hasan. Zubayr Ali Zai said: Hasan due to next coming hadith which is witness over it)

In Musnad Ahmad a hadith states: Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrahرضى ﷲ عنه narrated that a man reviled (Sayyiduna) Abu Bakr رضى ﷲ عنه while the Prophet صلى ﷲ عليه وسلم was sitting (along with some of his sahabah) رضى ﷲ عنهم and wondering and smiling. When the man went too far (in reviling), Abu Bakr رضى ﷲ عنه retorted to some of what he said. The Prophet صلى ﷲ عليه وسلم become angry and got up. Abu Bakr رضى ﷲ عنه came to him and said, O Messenger of Allah, he was reviling me and you were sitting, but when I gave some reply to him, you became angry and got up. He (i.e. The Prophet) said, ''An angel was there with you replying to the man. When you spoke to him, the Satan appeared in between and I cannot sit with Satan.” Then, he said, "Abu Bakr, there are three things that are all true.

(i) No one who is wronged ignores that for the sake of Allah, Mighty and Glorious, but Allah grants him great help for it.

ii) No one goes on bestowing with the intention of joining ties of relationship but Allah grants him much more against it. And,

(iii) No one begs with intention to pile up abundance (of wealth) but Allah causes him to become poorer because of it."


(Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal # 9590, Dar al Hadith, Cairo edition. Muhaqqiq said the Chain is Sahih i.e. sound. Translation taken from English translation of Mishkaat by ShaykhNawabQutbuddin Khan Dehlavi. Corrected and some amendments are made by author Aamir Ibrahim according to wording used in Musnad Ahmad)


Imam Nur ud din Haythami (rah) said about this narration in Majma uz Zawaid: It is narrated by Ahmad and Tabrani in his al- Awsat... The men of Ahmad are those of Sahih. # 13698.


Salafi scholar Albani declared it Jayyid (strong), and Musnad Ahmad’s version as Sahih on criteria of Sahih Muslim ( Silsilah al- Ahadeeth as- Sahihah # 2231)

Also Salafi scholar Zubayr Ali Zai declared it Hasan in Tahkim over Mishkaat # 5102


So according to these narrations one should not Abuse even in retaliation.

Qur'an states: You ˹believers˺ will surely be tested in your wealth and yourselves, and you will certainly hear many hurtful words from those who were given the Scripture before you and ˹from˺ the polytheists. But if you are patient and mindful ˹of Allah˺—surely this is a resolve to aspire to. (3:186. Dr.MustafaKhattab translation)

Qur'an states: So be patient ˹O Prophet˺ with what they say. And glorify the praises of your Lord before sunrise and before sunset.(50:39.Dr.Mustafa Khattab translation)


Qur'an states: Be patient ˹O Prophet˺ with what they say, and depart from them courteously.(73:10. Dr. Mustafa Khattab translation)


This detailed explanation and proofs we presented are going against Qadiyanis. Except one part which they may misuse i.e. Abdul Kareem bin Malik Jazri (rah) said in explanation of this verse: One who swears can be sweared back, however one who lies (regarding you) then in return you cannot lie back. End- quote

Here are couple of answers:

a) Abdul Kareem bin Malik Jazri (rah) was not a Sahabi but a Tabi'i. He is not a Sharih (law giver). When it is proven from Qur'an and overwhelming hadiths (many of which we will also show ahead) that Muslims should not be abusive in any case, then qawl of Abdul Kareem cannot work. Even if some other people also said so then many verses, hadiths and explanations in Tafaseer will supersede.

b) Plus even he said you cannot lie in return. Whereas Mirza Qadiyani did so by calling "ALL" his opponents as Pigs, their women as b*tches, and opponents as B*stards which were clear lies and false accusations. Note: We say again they should prove from “ALL” Muslim scholars, Muslims, and their women that they abused Mirza in such emphatic terms.

c) We believe Mirza Qadiyani was not a Muslim at first place but an apostate, so there is no chance of accepting Mirza's foul language.

d) Mirza Qadiyani was not Mazloom but Zalim himself as he transgressed limits, denied Islamic teachings and became a Murtad/Zindeeq.

If they misuse hadith that two persons who insult each other then blame is on one who started it. But then hadith says “so long as the one who is oppressed does not transgress” Even that cannot be misused by Qadiyanis because Mirza indeed transgressed. Plus word sabb does not always mean abuse (We know other translators of Abu Dawood and hadith present elsewhere translated wording in this hadith as abuse too)

Although we are from Ahlus Sunnah and do not represent Ahl -e- Hadith. However we all Muslims, also Twelver Shias are united against Qadiyanis and consider Mirza Qadiyani to be an apostate, liar, Dajjal, cheat and so on. Someone like Javed Ahmad Ghamdi (a pseudo scholar) do not matter. He said in regards to a question about Ahmadis that, he does not consider anyone Kafir who claims to be Muslim. This is an utterly batil (false) opinion. However he said at another place that he considers it Sareeh (clear) Kufr to believe about even possibility of a Prophet coming , whether Tashreehi, ghayrTashreehi, Zilli, Buroozi, spiritual or so on... Anyways Ghamdi is not Hujjat upon us at first place.

Lahori Ahmadi group quoted from Isha’at al Sunna where Ahl -e- Hadith scholar Muhammad Hussain Batalvi said regarding Mirza Qadiyani:

"Hidden enemy of Islam"; "The second Musailima"; "Dajjal"; "a liar"; "a cheat"; "accursed one"; "he should have his face blackened, and a rope should be tied round his neck and a necklace of shoes put over him, and in this condition he should be carried through the towns of India"; "a satan, a evil- doer"; "Zindeeq"; "most shameless"; "worse than Dajjal"; "has the manners of ruffians and scavengers, nay those of beasts and savages"; "progeny of Halaku Khan and Changez Khan, the unbelieving Turks, this shows that you are really a . . .(Taken from Lahori Ahmadi website. They have not given exact reference)

Here are couple of answers:

 a) Mirza Qadiyani has called all his opponents as Pigs, their women b*tches. And also who do Takdhib of him to be B*stards (This one whether regarding Muslims or Christians is utterly despicable). He did not say it regarding Muhammad Hussain Batalvi only. Plus Qadiyanis should show proof where wife of AllamaBatalvi called Mirza as such.

b) What Muhammad Hussain Batalvi said was truth because we have proven Mirza to be an apostate, Dajjal (Grand liar), cheat and such who deserved what Batalvi Sahib said.

c) Still in retaliation Mirza had no right to abuse back and to cross limits. Remember when it is superior for general Muslims not to retaliate, then Mirza being a (false) claimant of Prophethood (whether Zilli or Buroozi), Promised Messiah/Mahdi cannot do so at all .

d) Plus according to Qadiyani website AllamaBatalvi had repented from calling Mirza Qadiyani and his group to be Kafirs. It states in Qadiyani website, that Mirza Qadiyani said:

” I saw that this man [Maulavi Muhammad Husain] will acknowledge my being a believer before his death and I saw that he had given up calling me Kafir [disbeliever] and had repented of this position. I saw all this in a dream and I am hoping that my Lord will make it come true” (Hujjatul - Islam, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 6, Page 59)

Qadiyanis quote their own newspaper which according to them asserts that AllamaBatalvi said: ” All these sects believe the Holy Qur’an to be the Word of God. Like the Qur’an, all these sects also believe in hadith. A new sect, Ahmadi, started a short time ago ever since Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian made his claim to be the Massiah and Mahdi. This sect also believes equally in the Qur’an and hadith.… My sect certainly does not consider any of the above mentioned sects to be kafir [disbelievers].” (For Details see al- Fadl, Volume 1, No. 35, February  11, 1914, Page 3)"

End- quote.

As usual prophesy of Mirza was wrong. We cannot rely on Qadiyani’s own newspaper as they are liars. However we have shown them to prove that Mirza was not using foul language about Batalvi Sahib or his wife but also other Muslim scholars, Muslims and their women.

Note: The book Hujjatul Islam was published in 1893 before Najmulhuda which was published in 1898. In the latter he called Muslims and their scholars as pigs and their women b*tches. Also Anwar ulislam was published in 1894 where Mirza called his Muslim and Christian opponents as B*stards.

Hence the abusive language of Mirza cannot be upon Batalvi Sahib, but rather on other scholars, Muslims and their women [even woman (s) related to Batalvi Sahib did not use abusive language, until Qadiyanis prove otherwise that they “ALL” did so]

Qadiyanis may misuse hadith which states:

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:

O Allah, I am a human being and for any person amongst Muslims upon whom I hurl malediction or invoke curse or give him whipping make it a source of purity and mercy. (Sahih Muslim # 2601 a)

Here word "Sabb" cannot be translated as Abuse or cuss. Plus let us understand it from another hadith

...I am a human being and I am pleased just as a human being is pleased and I lose temper just as a human being loses temper, so for any person from amongst my Ummah whom I curse "AND HE IN NO WAY DESERVES IT" let that, O Lord, be made a source of purification and purity and nearness to (Allah) on the Day of Resurrection. (Sahih Muslim # 2603)

Mirza Qadiyani used abusive language and considered his opponents deserving of it. And did not mean it to be a source of purity and mercy. We have already explained above from Qadiyani website itself that Lanat is not a swear or curse word.

It states in Sahih Bukhari:

Narrated Anas bin Malik:

The Prophet (ﷺ) was not one who would abuse (others) or say obscene words, or curse (others), and if he wanted to admonish anyone of us, he used to say: "What is wrong with him, his forehead be dusted!" (Sahih Bukhari # 6031)

Narrated Masruq: Abdullah bin 'Amr mentioned Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saying that he was neither a Fahish nor a Mutafahish. Abdullah bin 'Amr added, Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, 'The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.' (Sahih Bukhari # 6029)

Narrated 'Aisha: A man asked permission to enter upon the Prophet. When the Prophet (ﷺ) saw him, he said, "What an evil brother of his tribe! And what an evil son of his tribe!" When that man sat down, the Prophet (ﷺ) behaved with him in a nice and polite manner and was completely at ease with him. When that person had left, 'Aisha said (to the Prophet). "O Allah's Apostle! When you saw that man, you said so- and- so about him, then you showed him a kind and polite behavior, and you enjoyed his company?" Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "O 'Aisha! Have you ever seen me speaking a bad and dirty language? (Remember that) the worst people in Allah's sight on the Day of Resurrection will be those whom the people leave (undisturbed) to be away from their evil (deeds)." (Sahih Bukhari # 6032)

Abdullah bin 'Amr said; The Messenger of Allah said:

The best of you are those best in conduct.' And the Prophet was not one who was obscene, nor one who uttered obscenities. (SunnanTirmidhi # 1975. It is Sahih)

Abdullah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:

"The believer does not insult the honor of others, nor curse, nor commit Fahishah, nor is he foul." (SunnanTirmidhi # 1977. Hadith is Hasan)

Narrated `Abdullah bin Mulaika:

`Aisha said that the Jews came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said, "As- Samu 'Alaikum" (death be on you). `Aisha said (to them), "(Death) be on you, and may Allah curse you and shower His wrath upon you!" The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Be calm, O `Aisha ! You should be kind and lenient, and beware of harshness and Fuhsh (i.e. bad words)." She said (to the Prophet), "Haven't you heard what they (Jews) have said?" He said, "Haven't you heard what I have said (to them)? I said the same to them, and my invocation against them will be accepted while theirs against me will be rejected (by Allah). " (Sahih Bukhari # 6030)

Note: Saying Waalaykum in response to Jews saying death be upon you is not abusive. Plus If we read the full hadith, Prophet (Peace be upon him) told Aisha (RA): Be calm, O `Aisha ! You should be kind and lenient, and beware of harshness and Fuhsh (i.e. bad words)...Plus Mirza's abuses to Muslims and their scholars will be returned back to him and rejected by Allah to be applicable on Muslims.

It is stated in Sahih Muslim:

It is narrated on the authority of 'Abdullah b. Amr b. al- 'As that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed:

Abusing one's parents is one of the major sins. They (the hearers) said: Messenger of Allah, does a man abuse his parents too? He (the Holy Prophet) replied: Yes, one abuses the father of another man, who in turn abuses his father. One abuses his mother and he in turn abuses his (the former's) mother. (Sahih Muslim # 90 a)

So Mirza in retaliation abused parents of his enemies and that could never be justified.

Ibn Mas'ud (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

insulting a Muslim is disobedience to Allah, and fighting with him is Kufr (disbelief).” Agreed upon.

(Bulugh al Maram by Imam Ibn HajrAsqalani. English version from reference is, Book 16, Hadith 51. English translation, Book 16, Hadith 1530. It is translated as defaming elsewhere such as SunnanNasai’i, some translated as reviling and abusing too. So when defaming and insulting another Muslim is a big sin then abusing him is even bigger)

It is narrated on the authority of Jabir that he heard the (Holy Prophet) say: A Muslim is he from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe. (Sahih Muslim # 41)

One hadith says to an extant:

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that: The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: "The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the people are safe, and the believer is the one from whom the people's lives and wealth are safe." (SunnanNasai’i # 4998. Hadith is Sahih)

Due to these hadiths the hadith in Sahih Muslim which Qadiyanis may misuse can only be interpreted that it does not mean using foul language and not even Lanah as many hadiths forbid from even sending Lanah on other Muslims. Plus especially those who do not deserve it. We know there are hadiths where some people are cursed like men imitating women and vice versa, etc...Such people really deserve it, plus Qadiyani website has accepted that Lanah is not a swear or curse word so they are fully refuted.

Qadiyanis may misuse words used by Sayyidna Abu Bakr (RA) regarding goddess of Mushrikeen al- Lat. It is a long narration, which has the following wording

اﻣﺼﺺ ﺑﺒﻈﺮ اﻟﻻﺕ، ﺃﻧﺤﻦ ﻧﻔﺮ ﻋﻨﻪ ﻭﻧﺪﻋﻪ؟

Sahih Bukhari # 2731. Ustadha Aisha Bewley translated it as: Suck al- Lat's nipples! Would we flee from him and desert him. Alfred Guilliaumi in English version of Seerah Ibn Ishaq, translated as: Suck al- Lat's nipples! Should we desert him? However it may be translated as: Suck the clitoris of al- Lat, would we flee from him and desert him? Muhsin Khan only used word Abused.

Here are following answers in regards to this.

a) If Qadiyanis are so stubbornly persistent to defend their abusive Mirza Ghulam Ahmad then they may use such abusive word for idols of Mushrikeen (idolaters), that too if Mushrikeen start ridiculing first. They cannot use them for Muslims or even AhlulKitab as Jews claim to follow Moses (a.s) and previous Prophets, and Christians claim to follow Jesus (a.s) and previous Prophets, and majority worship Jesus (a.s) too. It is a challenge to Qadiyanis where such wordings are used for Prophets even though Jews and Christians tampered the true teachings, and many Christians worshipped and still worship Jesus (a.s). We have proven above that Mirza Qadiyani disrespected Jesus (a.s) relying on fabricated previous scriptures, and attributed to Jesus (a.s) that he Naudhobillah used foul language. Qadiyanis own those statements to defend abusive language of Mirza. Whereas at the same time believe previous scriptures have been corrupted.

b) We have shown Quanic verse not to revile even idols of Mushrikeen. However Abu Bakr (ra) responded in retaliation. Look at point a above again.

c) Mushrikeen of Makkah when worshipped their idols then the nipples or even if we take translation of clitoris, then they considered it holy.

d) Hindus till today revere vagina of their goddess kamakhya in the kamakhya temple. In Bhutan some people make pictures or drawings of male genital organ and believe that they bring good luck and expel evil spirits. Also shiva lingam represents phallic symbol. It is worshipped by Hindus till today .

e) It was a proverb like Arabs say which is paraphrased: The poets are of three types: 1. A good one. 2. An ordinary one and, 3. The one who bites the nipples/clitoris of his mother. (Abu Ali al- Hasan bin Rashiq al- Qairawani in his book: Al Umda fi Mahasin ash- Shi’r al adabih 1/116). Which means that third category of poets are worthless. As Urwa worshipped al- Lat hence it was superior to him than his mother.

f) It is a Khabr e Wahid. Imam Khattib Baghdadi (rah) said which is paraphrased: A Khabr al Wahid report cannot be accepted if it goes against (sound) intellect, the order of Holy Qur'an, and the known Sunnah (which is certain) [Al Kifayah fee IlmirRiwayah, Page. 432]. Imam Nawawi (rah) said: Most of the (scholars) and Researchers said that the Hadiths of Bukhari and Muslim which are not Mutawattir, they imply conjecture (zann) since they are from Ahaad, and the Ahaad imply nothing but conjecture (Zann). This is based on what was already known and agreed upon. This rule applies without distinguishing between Bukhari, Muslim or others. [SharhSahih Muslim, Volume # 1, Page # 20]

g) It contains a narrator Ibn Shihab al Zuhri. It has come in lone narrations having Zuhri which can depict Shaykhayn (Abu Bakr ra, and Umar ra) in bad light, especially Abu Bakr (ra). For example the narration in Bukhari, Muslim and elsewhere saying that Sayyidah Fatima (ra) DIED ANGRY WITH ABU BAKR (RA) AND SAYYIDNA ALI (RA) DELAYED BAYAH TO ABU BAKR (RA) TO 6 MONTHS. (See Sahih Bukhari # 4240, 4241) However other narrations prove that Sayyidah Fatima (ra) was well pleased with Abu Bakr (ra). See Tirmidhi # 1609 which states:

Narrated Abu Hurairah: That Fatimah came to Abu Bakr and 'Umar may Allah be pleased with them both, to ask them about her inheritance from the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). They said: "We heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: 'I am not inherited from.'" So she said: 'By Allah! I will never talk to you two again.' So she died having not talked to them."

'Ali bin 'Eisa said: "The meaning of not speaking to you two is: 'Never again regarding this inheritance, because you two are truthful.'"[Jami’ at- Tirmidhi Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 1609 Declared Hasan]

Also see Sunnan al- Kubra of Imam Bayhaqi (Narration # 12735). This next one is declared by Imam Bayhaqi (rah) himself as good and Mursal, having authentic chain. End- quote. Hence due to other corroborations it becomes absolutely authentic.

And also that Sayyidna Ali (ra) gave Bayah way earlier than six months as proven from Al Mustadrak ala Sahihayn of Imam Hakim (# 4457) and al Sunan al Kubra of Imam Bayhaqi (# 16538). The narrations are authentic. They prove that Ali (ra) gave bayah very early.

Plus Imam Bayhaqi (rah) said about Ali (ra) delaying Bayah to 6 Months:

This part that Ali abstained from giving pledge to Abu Bakr (ra) till Fatima (ra) died, is saying of al- Zuhri and it is broken (munqati) [Sunnan al- Kubra of Bayhaqi Hadith # 12732]

It has also come from Zuhri that Umar (ra) said to Ali (ra) that you considered Abu Bakr (ra) as liar, sinful, treacherous and dishonest. Also considered me (i.e. Umar ra) as liar, sinful, treacherous and dishonest. (See Sahih Muslim # 1757 c)

This above wording is not proven except through Zuhri being in chain. Shia use these narrations to disrespect Abu Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra).

Also Zuhri inserted in narration that Prophet (Peace be upon him) tried to commit suicide many times, Naudhobillah. The wording of Bukhari is:

The Prophet became so sad AS WE HAVE HEARD that he intended several times to throw himself from the tops of high mountains... (Sahih Bukhari # 6982)

Imam Ibn HajrAsqalani (rah) said about above one:

Hence the one who stated “As it has reached us” was al- Zuhri, the meaning of his saying is: In this sentence is that which has reached us regarding the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in regards to this story. It is an addition that has reached al- Zuhri which is “NOT CONNECTED BACK TO THE ORIGINAL NARRATION” and al- Kirmani said: This is evident [Fathul Bari, SharhSahihul Bukhari 12/359]

So Zuhri who can make such severe interpolations then it is possible that the narration of Zuhri about Abu Bakr (ra)'s language can be disputed too.

h) Qadiyani website itself says: The Holy Qur’an is the 100% authentic word of Allah.  There is no doubt about it, but we can’t say the same concerning the Ahadith. The Ahadith can be unreliable, misunderstood or even made up. Our understanding concerning the Ahadith is not whether they are Sahih or Daeef, but whether they support the Holy Qur’an or not!  Please try to understand this point, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, made very good checks to see which hadith can be termed Sahih or Daeef. If the chain was sound and they were happy with it, then with Sahih Bukhari he used to then pray two raka’ats and finally put it in his Ahadith book.  Thousands of Ahadith he rejected because they were not sound enough for him. That is why he is looked upon as the most authentic out of all the Ahadith books, but just because he recorded it, does not make it correct.  That is why no one says that Sahih Bukhari is 100% authentic, they only say that about the Holy Qur’an.

Qadiyanis may misuse the following hadith: 

Utayy ibn Damura said, "I saw with Ubay a man who was attributing himself (in lineage) with an attribution of Jahiliyyah, so Ubay told him to bite his father's male organ and did not speak figuratively (i.e. was explicit). So his companions looked at him. He said, 'It appears that you disapprove of it.' Then he said, 'I will never show apprehension to anyone with regards to this. Verily, I heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, "Whomever attributes himself (in lineage) with an attribution of Jahiliyyah, then tell him to bite his father's male organ and do not speak figuratively (i.e. be explicit). (AdabulMufrad of Imam Bukhari # 963 Online version

Here are couple of answers.

a) Salafi scholar Zubayr Ali Zai declared it’s chain weak in Tahkeem over Mishkaat # 4902. Whereas Salafi scholar Albani declared it Sahih. Even if it is authentic in chain but that does not mean matn (content especially the part about private part) is authentic too. First of all Qur'an says about Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him):

And indeed, you are of a great moral character.(Qur'an 68:4. Sahih International translation)


Also it states regarding Prophet (Peace be upon him)


Narrated Abu Sa`id Al- Khudri:

The Prophet (ﷺ) was shier than a veiled virgin girl. (Bukhari # 3562))


b) It should be understood from another hadith:

It was narrated that Abū Hurairah said: "The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: 'Allāh has taken away your pride of Jāhiliyyah and your boasting about your forefathers. One is only a righteous believer or a doomed evildoer. You are the sons of Ādam and Ādam was created from dust. Men should stop boasting about their forefathers, who are no more than the coal of Hell, or they will certainly be more insignificant before Allāh than the beetle that rolls dung with its nose." (Sunnan Abu Dawood, Volume, 5, Page, 419, Hadith # 5116. Arabic- English Dar us Salam version. Hadith is Hasan).


This hadith does not use the wording which was present in previous hadith, and this latter one will supersede.


c) During the time of Mirza, did all the Muslims, their scholars, and their women boastfully attributed their lineage with an attribution of Jahiliyyah?


d) Plus there is discrepancy in wording of the hadith too.


There can be many more proofs shown.

We would like to conclude with this beautiful verse of Qur'an:

And We have not sent you, [O Muḥammad], except as a mercy to the worlds. (21:107. Sahih International translation)

And we would say that a claimant of Prophethood (whether Zilli of Buroozi) /Mahdi/Promised Messiah (although Mirza cannot be any but was rather a liar, apostate, and Zindeeq) cannot use abusive language in any case. Even if we ask a young person, he will say, he cannot do so. I even asked my daughter and she said he cannot do so in any case.

Mirza Qadiyani claiming to be Mahdi and Isa by using fabricated and weak narrations.

Mirza used an athar that too a fabricated one. Distorted its translation and applied it on himself to claim to be Mahdi. Let us first look at the athar (Note: It is not hadith of Prophet Peace be upon him, nor any Sahabi). It states:

Muhammad bin Ali said: Indeed there are two signs for our Mahdi, since creation of heavens and earth, they have never appeared. Moon shall be eclipsed on "THE FIRST NIGHT OF RAMADAN" and Sun shall eclipse in the "MIDDLE OF IT". This has never happened since Allah created the heavens and the earth. (SunnanDaraqutni # 1795)

Now let us look at deceiving and false translation of Mirza Qadiyani. Mirza Qadiyani translated, which is paraphrased: First night of Ramadan for lunar eclipse as 13th night, and Middle of Ramadan for solar eclipse as 28th. (See: Ruhani Khazain 11/330)

Above all this narration is fabricated. It contains Jaabir al Ju'fi and Amr bin Shamr. Both have been declared as Liars by many scholars. Amr bin Shamr was also a Rafidhi Shia who used to abuse Sahaba. Plus such eclipses have happened in Ramadan many times before Mirza and after his death too. David L. McNaughton has written an article which is available in pdf, proving that they happened many times before Mirza and also after his death. So even if assuming it refers to 13th night for Lunar eclipse, and 28th for Solar eclipse then It is further proven as fabricated because the wording in narration cannot ever refer to those dates.

Mirza tried to defend himself that the narration uses word Qamar not Hilal which means it cannot be first night of Ramadan. What a cheat Mirza was. According to Qur'an Qamar can refer to first night of moon too. In Qur'an word Qamar is used for Moon overall irrespective of it being of first night or later.

Qur'an states:

وَ الۡقَمَرَقَدَّرۡنٰہُ مَنَازِلَ حَتّٰی عَادَ کَالۡعُرۡجُوۡنِ الۡقَدِیۡمِ

Translation done by almost all is moon (See Qur'an 36:39) (also see 36:40, 55:5, 35:13, 21:33)

Also Mirza said Sun will be eclipsed on 28th. How can this be right according to narration? Plus Mirza said that first night of Ramadan refers to 4th night onward, then word Awal used for Moon eclipse should refer to 5th night not 13th. Because 5th night is closest to Awal.

Even if we assume lunar eclipse refers to 13th night and Solar eclipse to 28th then the hadith is not only Fabricated due to chain but also due to content (matn)

Qadiyanis misuse verse 75:7 to 9 which state: But when sight is confounded. And the moon is eclipsed. And sun and moon are united. (M.Pickthall translation)

If we read in context from verse 6 then it refers to Day of resurrection, not about Mirza's time.

In Tafsir al Jalalyn it states: and the sun and the moon are brought together, "SO THAT BOTH OF THEM WILL RISE FROM THE WEST"; or [it means when] the light of both of them disappears — 'AND THIS WILL BE ON THE DAY OF RESURRECTION"

Tafsir Ibn Katheer also applied it on Day of resurrection. So this verse can never be regarding Mirza. Plus the verse does not mention it happening in Ramadan.

Qadiyanis yet again use Gospel (s) to defend Mirza. As said before previous scriptures have been corrupted and are not Hujjah upon us, and Qadiyanis also accept they have been corrupted. Above all even Matthew 24:29 does not refer to Mirza but about second coming of Jesus (a.s) which can never be applied to Mirza because Qadiyanis believe Jesus (a.s) has died and shall not descend by himself again as Isa Ibn Maryum whereas Mirza was Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani bin Charaghbibi.

Now we will make detailed discussion on the issue of Imam Mahdi (ra). Mirza the accursed one used fabricated and weak hadiths and applied them on himself but rejected or falsely interpreted the Authentic ones. Another weak hadith Qadiyanis and Mirza himself misused is the hadith which states:

It was narrated from Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

“Adhering to religion will only become harder and worldly affairs will only become more difficult, and people will only become more stingy, and the Hour will only come upon the worst of people, and the only Mahdi (after Muhammad (ﷺ)) is ‘Eisa bin Maryam.”

Ibn Majah # 4039

This is declared weak by the following scholars.

1. Mullah Ali Qari (rah) said: It is weak according to consensus of Muhaditheen (Mirqaat al Mafatih, SharhMishkaat al Masabih. See Sharh after Hadith # 5462. Dar al Fikr Beirut, Lebanon, 2002 edition)

2. Imam Dhahabi (rah) said: It is Munkar (denounced) (See under narrator Muhammad bin Khalid, # 7479)

3. Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah declared it weak (Manhaaj as Sunnah 8/256)

4. Ash- Shawkani said: Imam San'ani said It is fabricated (Fawaid al Majmooa, Narration # 127)

5. Salafi scholar Albani declared it Munkar in SilsilahAhadith al Da'efa #77 ۔ Also extremely weak except the sentence about hour which is Sahih. (See his Tahkim over Ibn Majah)

6. Salafi scholar Zubayr Ali Zai declared it weak too in his Tahkim over Ibn Majah. He said which is paraphrased: Hasan Basri is narrating with An (and he is mudalis). Aljanda (Muhammad bin Khalid) it is not proven that Ibn Maeen did Tawtheeq of him. (Muhammad bin Khalid is declared Majhool, Matrook, His hadiths cannot be followed, Daeef). There is dispute in chain. Abban did not hear from Hasan (Brackets are added by author)


Six scholars are enough to be quoted. Plus the wording of this weak hadith should only be interpreted as Isa (a.s) is perfectly guided (and sinless) Mahdi not that he is same as Imam Mahdi (ra). Let us understand that word Mahdi is used for one who is guided as well. It is stated regarding KhulafaRashideen al Mahdiyeen (first 5 Caliphs)

It was narrated from 'Abdur- Rahman bin 'Amr As- Sulami that:

He heard Al- 'Irbad bin Sariyah say: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) delivered a moving speech to us which made our eyes flow with tears and made our hearts melt. We said: 'O Messenger of Allah. This is a speech of farewell. What did you enjoin upon us?' He said: 'I am leaving you upon a (path of) brightness whose night is like its day. No one will deviate from it after I am gone but one who is doomed. Whoever among you lives will see great conflict. I urge you to adhere to what you know of my Sunnah and the path of the Rightly- Guided Caliphs, (مِنْ سُنَّتِي وَسُنَّةِ الْخُلَفَاءِ الرَّاشِدِينَ الْمَهْدِيِّينَ ) and cling stubbornly to it. And you must obey, even if (your leader is) an Abyssinian leader. For the true believer is like a camel with a ring in its nose; wherever it is driven, it complies."

[Sunnan Ibn Majah # 4. Hadith is Sahih and has other chains too. One version was called as Hasan Sahih by Imam Tirmidhi (rah) himself. Arabic inserted by author]

This refers to first four Caliphs i.e. Sayyidna Abu Bakr (ra), Sayyidna Umar (ra), SayyidnaUthman (ra), Sayyidna Ali (ra) [and if we include Sayyidna Hasan (ra) then five, however his tenure of being Caliph was very short]. None of them claimed to be separate entity of Imam Mahdi (ra)

Regarding Sahabi Ameer Mu'awiyah. It states in Jami' Tirmidhi

Narrated 'Abdur- Rahman bin Abu 'Umairah - and he was one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ):from the Prophet (ﷺ), that he said to Mu'awiyah: "O Allah, give him guidance, (make him) guided one, and guide (others) by him."

Tirmidhi # 3842. English Dar us Salam version. Hadith is Sahih. Translation corrected according to context. See Urdu translation too.

Here word مَهْدِيًّا has been used.

Such wording is also used by Prophet (Peace be upon him) for SayyidnaJarir (ra) (See Sahih Bukhari # 6089, 6090)

Qadiyanis may misuse hadith that Caliphate (on the Manhaj) of Nubuwah shall stay for thirty years. So hadith of 12 Caliphs contradict that. Then remember the first four (or five) rightly guided caliphs who came in power are considered KhulafaarRashideen whose path is to be followed as we presented hadith. Whereas next ones are not included in this.

Scholars have differed over the hadith of twelve caliphs and the meaning of such hadiths is ambiguous, however Imam Abu Dawood narrated it in Book of al- Mahdi, which can refer that it includes Imam Mahdi (ra) to be last one. Imam Suyuti (rah) has also said so due to title made Imam Abu Dawood (rah). See: Al Haawi lil Fatawi 2/102

Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) said: The meaning of this Hadith is a glad tiding of 12 righteous caliphs (after the Prophet) who will establish truth and treat people with justice. It does not necessarily mean that they will come one after another. Four of them have come one after another i.e. four caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. Among them is undoubtedly Umar bin Abdul Aziz (rah), and some from Bani Abbas. The Day of Resurrection will not come until the 12 caliphs rule. And apparently Imam Mahdi whose glad tiding has been mentioned in many narrations is one of them [Tafsir Ibn Kathir (3/65)]

Some scholars counted all 12 Caliphs and claimed they have gone by and even included tyrants like Yazid bin Mu’awiya, which is obviously not correct. However the correct list seems to be the following as said by Imam Ahmad Ridha Khan (rah):

1. Sayyidna Abu Bakr (ra)

2. Sayyidna Umar bin Khatab (ra)

3. SayidnaUthman bin Affan (ra)

4. Sayyidna Ali bin AbiTalib (ra)

5. Sayyidna Hasan bin Ali (ra)

6. Sayyidna Ameer Muawiya (ra)

7. Sayyidna Abdullah bin Zubayr (ra).

8. Hadhrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (ra)

And finally 12th being Imam Mahdi (ra)

Three who are remaining, it is not sure who they are.

Amongst remaining three Mirza can never be one, because all of them especially last one will also be from Quraish whereas Mirza was not. Plus Imam Mahdi (ra) who is a separate entity from Jesus (a.s) is mentioned in List. He will come in end of times and have attributes, and do things which Mirza never did.

Plus list according to twelver Shias who are a majority in Shia, is:

1. Sayyidna Ali bin AbiTalib (ra)

2. Sayyidna Hasan bin Ali (ra)

3. Sayyidna Hussain bin Ali (ra)

4. Sayyidna Ali bin Hussain (Zayn ulAbideen) (ra)

5. SayyidnaMuhhamad al Baqir (ra)

6. SayyidnaJafar al Sadiq (ra)

7. Sayyidna Musa al Kadhim (ra)

8. Sayyidna Ali al Rida (ra)

9. Sayyidna Muhammad al Taqi (ra)

10. Sayyidna Ali al Hadi (ra)

11. Sayyidna Hasan al Askari (ra)

12. Sayyidna Imam Mahdi (ra) who is in ghaybat (in absence) and is not Jesus (a.s).

So even according to twelver Shia, Imam Mahdi (ra) is other than Isa ibn Maryum (a.s), but is in ghaybat. He according to Shia is son of Imam Hasan al Askari (rah), whereas Mirza Dajjal was not.

Now let us look at deception of Qadiyanis. They in order to make two different people i.e. Imam Mahdi (ra) and Jesus (a.s) as one, even distorted translations.

Proof # 1 (Qadiyanis gave reference of famous Mushin Khan translation but being cheats, changed the translation)

They quoted it as: Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said “How will you be when the son of Mary descends amongst you and is your imam among you.”(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 658)

Note this way of mentioning references refers to Muhsin Khan translation.

Now let us see actual wording:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said "How will you be when the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and your imam is among you."

End- quote.

At another website of Qadiyanis they have different translation to the one I showed first

It states: How would it be with you when the son of Mary will descend among you and you will have a leader raised from among you?"

What big cheats Qadiyanis are, however second translation of Qadiyanis we showed is closer to be right. Let us look at translation of Sahih Muslim in regards to this hadith.

Proof # 2

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed:

What will be your state when the son of Mary descends amongst you and there will be an Imam amongst you? (Sahih Muslim # 155 d. Even here Qadiyanis have given reference same as present online but cleverly changed translation)

Let us understand this from another hadith

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed:

What would you do when the son of Mary would descend amongst you and would lead you as one amongst you? Ibn AbiDhi'b on the authority of Abu Huraira narrated: Your leader amongst you. Ibn AbiDhi'b said: Do you know what the words:" He would lead as one amongst you" mean? I said: Explain these to me. He said: He would lead you according to the Book of your: Lord (hallowed be He and most exalted) and the Sunnah of your Apostle (ﷺ).

(Sahih Muslim # 155 d)

Hence here it does not prove that Isa (a.s) is same entity as Imam Mahdi (ra), rather it means he will lead Muslims according to Qur’an and Sunnah of Prophet (Peace be upon him)

Also that Isa (a.s) will pray behind Imam Mahdi (ra) is also proven as we will mention hadith ahead.

Qadiyanis misuse a hadith of Musnad Ahmad which states:

ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎﻣﺤﻤﺪﺑﻦﺟﻌﻔﺮ، ﻗﺎﻝ: ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎﻫﺸﺎﻡ، ﻋﻦﻣﺤﻤﺪ، ﻋﻦﺃﺑﻲﻫﺮﻳﺮﺓ، ﻋﻦاﻟﻨﺒﻲﺻﻠﻰاﻟﻠﻪﻋﻠﻴﻪﻭﺳﻠﻢﻗﺎﻝ: ﻳﻮﺷﻚﻣﻦﻋﺎﺵﻣﻨﻜﻢﺃﻥﻳﻠﻘﻰﻋﻴﺴﻰاﺑﻦﻣﺮﻳﻢﺇﻣﺎﻣﺎﻣﻬﺪﻳﺎﻭﺣﻜﻤﺎﻋﺪﻻ، ﻓﻴﻜﺴﺮاﻟﺼﻠﻴﺐ، ﻭﻳﻘﺘﻞاﻟﺨﻨﺰﻳﺮ، ﻭﺗﻮﺿﻊاﻟﺠﺰﻳﺔ، ﻭﺗﻀﻊاﻟﺤﺮﺏﺃﻭﺯاﺭﻫﺎ

Qadiyanis wrongly and partially translated it because It is going against them in totality (However elsewhere they do mention next things, which by the way go against Mirza and Qadiyanis). Here is their translation:

“It is near that one who lives from amongst you shall meet ‘Eisa bin Maryam. He will be the Imam Mahdi, a leader and a just ruler..”(Musnad Ahmad #9294)

Actual translation should be: It is near that those of you who shall live, shall meet Isa the son of Maryam, a guided leader and just judge. He will break the cross, kill the swine, abolish the Jizyah, and the war will be stopped.

Dar us Salam version has this translation: It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Soon those among you who live will meet 'Eesa ibn Maryam, a fair leader and just judge. He will break the cross, kill the pigs and abolish the jizyah, and war will lay down its burdens." (Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Volume 6, Page, 591, 592, Hadith number # 9323. Arabic- English, Dar us Salam version)

So Qadiyani deceptive translation as "the Imam Mahdi" is not justified. It should be translated as guided leader or fair leader.

The whole hadith refutes Qadiyanis.

a) It is talking about Isa Ibn Maryum (a.s) descending not Mirza Ghulam Ahmad bin Charaghbibi who never descended but was born in Qadiyan and lived there already. We know Qadiyanis deceive people that Mirza became Isa in metaphorical sense. Remember no hadith says metaphorical Isa Ibn Maryum (a.s) shall descend. Word used is descent not being already present in world. Jesus (a.s) will be a just judge whereas Mirza the accursed one did not become Judge of world. Break the cross i.e. if taken metaphorically means false Christianity will be abolished completely which never happened in time of Mirza. Also kill the swine which if taken metaphorically means Christians will stop eating pigs, which also did not happen till today. Abolish the Jizya which will happen all over the world. And war will stop. All this has not happened and till today is happening, plus wars have been going on after Mirza.

b) The Wasf (attribute/trait) of Jesus is mentioned i.e. He will be a guided leader not that he will be the same person as Imam Mahdi, who will be first of all from Quraish, which Jesus never was (rather Jesus was from Bani Israel) nor was Mirza. He will be from Ahlul Bayt especially from biological lineage of Sayyidah Fatima (ra), which Jesus (a.s) cannot be, nor was Mirza as such.

Then qadiyanis misuse hadiths where wasf (attribute/trait) of being Mahdi is used i.e. guided one. We have already shown hadith about KhulafaarRashideen and Ameer Muawiya (ra) above. So were they, Ameer Muawiyah (ra) and other people whose this wasf has been told were really Imam Mahdis who will come before end times?

Then Qadiyanis use hadith that Isa (a.s) will be a Khalifa, so if Imam Mahdi (a.s) is separate Khalifa than Jesus (a.s) then hadith tells to kill other claimant of caliphate. They use a weak hadith of Tabarani which calls Isa (a.s) as Khalifa. It has come with Mu'an'an of Qatada and Qatada is a Mudalis of third category, the Mu'an'an of whom cannot be accepted. (See his name in Tabaqat al Mudaliseen of Imam Ibn HajrAsqalani # 92. In third category of Mudaliseen). Also Imam Nurud din Haythami (rah) said Muhammad bin Uqba as Sadoosi is called Thiqa by Ibn Hibban but weak by Abu Hatim. (MajmauzZawaid # 13788). So the Jarh will supersede.

Let us take their own translation:

Narrated Abu Hurairahra: The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw said: “Hearken! There is no Prophet and Messenger between me and the Forthcoming Jesus. He is the Khalifa in my Ummah after me. Verily, He will kill the Dajjal, and break the cross, and abolish war. Anyone from among you who sees him, should convey my Salam to him” (Tabarani, Hadith #5040)

First of all they do not know how to give reference. Just saying Tabarani does not clarify which book of Imam Tabarani is it present in. Anyways it is in Mu'jam al Awsat and Sagheer of Imam Tabarani AND IT IS WEAK. Secondly it refutes Qadiyanis themselves because it is saying according to Qadiyani translation itself : There is no Prophet and Messenger between me and the Forthcoming Jesus. He is the Khalifa in my Ummah after me. Verily, He will kill the Dajjal, and break the cross, and abolish war. Anyone from among you who sees him, should convey my Salam to him” End- quote

Qadiyanis do not believe in Jesus (a.s) descending himself whereas this hadith is saying There is no Prophet or Messenger between me and FORTHCOMING JESUS. Which proves Jesus coming again will not affect the finality of Prophethood which is contrary to belief of Mirza and Qadiyanis themselves. Plus he will do things like killing Dajjal, break cross etc... which we have already explained Mirza did not do. None of the Muslims conveyed Salam to Mirza believing him to be a Mahdi let alone Promised Messiah.

Even if assuming the hadith is Sahih then it does not apply on caliphate during time of Jesus (a.s) and Imam Mahdi (ra). Only those caliphs are to be killed who make caliphate in opposition of already existing caliphate. Whereas that will not be the case with Imam Mahdi (ra) and Jesus (a.s) who will join hands. Plus Jesus (a.s) will pray behind Imam Mahdi (a.s) as this following hadith proves:

Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: A section of my people will not cease fighting for the Truth and will prevail till the Day of Resurrection. He said: Jesus son of Mary would then descend and their (Muslims') commander would invite him to come and lead them in prayer, but he would say: No, some amongst you are commanders over some (amongst you). This is the honour from Allah for this Ummah. (Sahih Muslim # 156).

Qadiyanis try to create doubt that wording used in this hadith is Ameer not Khalifa. They say it does not prove Mahdi to be different from Isa (a.s) as Isa (a.s) will pray behind leader not Imam Mahdi (ra). Let us understand this from a famous hadith of 12 Caliphs. In one version it states:

It has been narrated on the authority of Jabir b. Samura who said:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: Islam will continue to be triumphant until there have been TWELVE CALIPHS. Then the Prophet (ﷺ) said something which I could not understand. I asked my father: What did he say? He said: He has said that ALL OF THEM (TWELVE CALIPHS) WILL BE FROM THE QURAISH. (Sahih Muslim 1821 d and others).

However one version says:

Narrated Jabir bin Samura:

I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, "There will be TWELVE MUSLIM RULERS (who will rule all the Islamic world)." He then said a sentence which I did not hear. My father said, " ALL OF THEM (THOSE RULERS) WILL BE FROM QURAISH" (Sahih Bukhari # 7222, 7223)

In above hadith word Ameer has been used whereas in previous one Khalifa was used. Hence proven Khalifa and Ameer can be used interchangeably. So that hadith of Imam Mahdi (ra) leading Jesus (a.s) in prayer means that they are two different persons. Plus these hadiths prove that all of them will be from Quraish so they can never fit on Mirza as he was not from Quraish.

Qadiyani website says: There are only two alternatives left for a seeker after truth, both of them absurd and dangerous. Either we admit that the Tradition which describes the Messiah and the Mahdi as one and the same person is not a true Tradition, or we admit that the Messiah and the Mahdi are two different persons and that the intention of the Tradition is to point to a difference of spiritual significance in the two....However, both interpretations are dangerous. One requires us, without good reasons, to treat as spurious a Tradition which is a well authenticated one, true according to all sound criteria

End- quote.

We have proven the narration of Ibn Majah inauthentic and proven that Imam Mahdi (ra) and Isa Ibn Maryum (a.s) are different entities. Hence Qadiyani boastful claim is clearly proven false.

Mirza Qadiyani Dajjal applied fabricated and weak hadiths on himself and denied the authentic ones which clearly go against him. Let us see Mirza's detailed discussion on issue of Imam Mahdi (ra) and then we will show authentic hadiths which prove Mirza wrong. Mirza said:

“Mine and my Jama’at belief about the Mahdi and Promised Messiah is that all the hadith are not reliable and trustworthy. To me, they are under three kinds of criticism, or you can that they are only of three kinds. Firstly, those ahadith that are fabricated and wrong and their narrators are blamed of lies and dishonesty, thus no righteous Muslim can trust them. Secondly, the ahadith that are weak and broken and because of mutual contraditions and disagreements cannot be trusted. Renowned Imams of Ahadith have not either mentioned them altogether or with criticism and doubt. They have not testified these traditions by not confirming the truth and dishonesty of their narrator. The third category of such ahadith are those are though correct and authenticated by many ways but they have either been fulfilled in the past and no waiting period remains for them, or no outwardly khilafat and battles are mentioned in them. Only Mahdi, i.e a guided person is heralded in them. It is not only hinted but also explicitly stated that his kingdom and khilafat should not be outwardly and that, he would neither fight nor shed blood. He shall have no army but establish faith with the power of spiritual concentration as stated in a hadith “There is no Mahdi except Isa” in the book of Ibn -e- Majah known with the same name in Hakim’s Mustadrik narrated by Anas bin Malik who narrated from the Holy Prophetsaw. The meaning of this hadith is that there shall be no Mahdi except who shall come in the disposition and teaching- style of Jesus. He shall neither fight battles but spread guidance through examples and heavenly signs. The hadith by Imam Bukhari supports this hadith which states:

الحرب يضع

Yadha-ul-Harb means that the Mahdi whose other name is the Promised Messiah shall abolish religious battles altogether. He shall teach not to fight for religion, but spread religion through illuminations of truth, miracles of morality and signs of nearness of God. Therefore, I truly say that one who fights for religion at this time or supports such fighter or advises him apparently or secretly, or have such desires in his heart, is disobedient of Allah and His Messenger and has stepped out of the limits of their wills and obligations” (Haqiqat -ul- Mahdi Pages 3 to 6, Ruhani Khazain Volume 14 Pages 429 to 432. Translation taken from Qadiyani website)

Now let us see authentic hadiths which cannot ever fit on Mirza.

Hadith # 1

It is narrated in Mustadrak al Hakim:

Abu Sa’id al- Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The Mahdi will appear in the latter part of my nation. Allah will grant him rain to bring produce from the earth. He will give out wealth appropriately, cattle will be plentiful, and the nation will become great. He will live as ruler for seven or eight years.” (Mustadrak ala Sahihayn by Imam Hakim # 8673. Translation is of brother AbuAminaElias).

After narrating it Imam al- Hakim said: This hadith has sahih chain but Bukhari and Muslim have not narrated it. Imam Dhahabi (rah) also declared it Sahih in his Talkhees of Hakim. Salafi scholar Albani also declared it Sahih in Silsilahahadith as Saheeha # 711

Especially note the part: He will live as ruler for seven or eight years. This did not happen in time of Mirza and he was not a ruler for 7 or 8 years. Plus previous part of hadith is also against Mirza.

Hadith # 2

Abu Nadra reported:

"We were in the company of Jabir b. 'Abdullah that he said it may happen that the people of Iraq may not send their qafiz and dirhams (their measures of food stuff and their money). We said: Who would be responsible for it? He said: The non- Arabs would prevent them. He again said: There is the possibility that the people of Syria may not send their dinars and mudds. We said: Who would be responsible for it? He said this prevention would be made by the Romans. He (Jabir b. Abdullah) kept quiet for a while and then reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) having said there would be a caliph in the last (period) of my Ummah who would freely give handfuls of wealth to the people without counting it. I said to Abu Nadra and Abu al- 'Ala: Do you mean 'Umar b. 'Abd al- Aziz? They said: No (he would be Imam Mahdi). (Sahih Muslim # 2913 a)

This will only be fulfilled when Imam Mahdi (ra) will be born and he will do so.

Hadith # 3, 4 , and 5 (Imam Abu Dawud rah made whole chapter on Imam Mahdi and then narrated some hadiths. Some of which are weak and some authentic. However none of those hadiths can apply on Mirza ۔ Muhaditheen making chapters and bringing hadiths which clearly go against Mirza is by itself a proof of some of them being authentic ۔ Imam Abu Dawood also narrated the hadith under this chapter thay all Twelve caliphs will be from Quraish and this includes Imam Mahdi (ra) as well. Mirza Dajjal was not an Arab from Quraish).

1. Narrated Umm Salamah, UmmulMu'minin:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatimah. Abdullah ibn Ja'far said: I heard AbulMalih praising Ali ibn Nufayl and describing his good qualities. (Sunnan Abu Dawood # 4284)

Declared Sahih by Salafi scholar Albani.

Salafi scholar Zubair Ali Zai declared chain Hasan.

2. Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas'ud:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: If only one day of this world remained. Allah would lengthen that day (according to the version of Za'idah), till He raised up in it a man who belongs to me or to my family whose father's name is the same as my father's, who will fill the earth with equity and justice as it has been filled with oppression and tyranny (according to the version of Fitr). Sufyan's version says: The world will not pass away before the Arabs are ruled by a man of my family whose name will be the same as mine.

Abu Dawud said: The version of 'Umar and Abu Bakr is the same as that of Sufyan.(Sunnan Abu Dawood # 4282)

Declared Hasan Sahih by Salafi scholar Albani. Salafi scholar Zubair Ali Zai said its's chain is Hasan.

3. Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: If only one day of this time (world) remained, Allah would raise up a man from my family who would fill this earth with justice as it has been filled with oppression. (Abu Dawood # 4283)

Declared Sahih by Salafi scholar Albani.

Salafi scholar Zubair Ali Zai called it's chain Hasan.

Even if independently these hadiths are deemed weak but remember that in collaboration they become authentic. And they cannot in any way fit on Mirza.

May Allah safeguard the Ummah from this worst Kafir cult and also from people who think like them due to so called modernism.

About Author:

Aamir Ibraheem

Aamir Ibrahim Al Hanafi

Islamic Researcher

Aamir Ibrahim al-Ash'ari is an Islamic researcher who sought and seeks knowledge in the company of great scholars. He is an author of many books and articles related to Islam and its defense. He follows Hanafi school in Fiqh. Ash'ari in creed, and is an admirer of Tassawuf.


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