Sunni vs Shia Adhaan

Sunni vs Shia Adhaan

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Sunni vs Shia Adhaan

(Call to prayer)

The Sunni Adhaan (call to prayer) consists of 15 phrases (if taken with Tarji’ then 19). The phrases are:

·ALLAH HU AKBAR (4 times)



·HAYA ALA- SALAH (2 times)

·HAYA ALAL- FALAH (2 times)

·ALLAH HU AKBAR (2 times)


Whereas the “famous” Shia Adhaan consists of 20 phrases which are:

·ALLAH HU AKBAR (4 times)




·HAYA ALA- SALAH (2 times)

·HAYA ALAL- FALAH (2 times)


·ALLAH HU AKBAR (2 times)

·LA ILAHA IL ALLAH (2 times)

Sunnis add in Fajr adhaan: “As salatu khairum Minan Naum (The prayer is better than sleep)” which is called Tathweeb. There is difference of opinion within Sunnis whether it is to be added in fajr prayer or not. Some Sahaba considered it Bidah, whereas there are hadiths from Prophet in Sunni literature that prove it (Shias consider those hadiths to be weak and they quote valid Juroohat on narrators of those ahadith except for the one from Anas bin Malik which they cannot prove as weak. See Sahih Ibn Khuzayma, Book of Prayer, Chapter of Tathweeb in Adhaan of Fajr, Hadith # 380).

In Sunni narrations there are also 19 phrases in Adhaan.

It was narrated from Abu Mahdhurah that the Messenger of Allah taught him the Adhan with nineteen phrases and the Iqiimah with seventeen phrases then Abu Mahdhurah counted them as nineteen and seventeen. [Sunnan Nasa’i, Vol. 1, Book 7, Hadith 631, with authentic chain]

The predominant Sunni Adhaan we hear everywhere consists of only 15 phrases (without Tarji’. Tarji’ means repeating Shahadatyn in Adhan in total of 8 times. First 4 times it is said in lowered voice and second 4 times it is said loudly) .

Many Shia scholars are of the opinion that “Ash hadu anna Aliun Wali Ullah” should not be added in Adhaan.

Ayat Ullah Ali Khamnai a leading Shia authority gave Fatwa regarding this issue.

Question: Salaam. I need help regarding Aliun Wali Ullah Allah in prayer, is it Fardh or Wajib? Please also give me some references and fatwas of marjahs.

Answer: Bismihi Ta`ala To bear witness that Imam Ali (A.S.) is wali of Allah is not a part of Adaan, Iqaamah, or tashahhud. It is not permissible to say it intending as part of them, but to say it as expressing one's belief is no problem.

- End of Fatwa.

A leading Shia website al- states:  In their books on jurisprudence, all the Shiah jurists {fuqaha} stress that to say: “I bear witness to the wilayah of ‘Ali (‘a)” is not part of adhan or iqamah, and no one has the right to say that it is part of any of the two. [The Shia Rebuts, Author, Sayyid Rida Husayni Nasab Question # 7]

Yet another leading scholar of Shia school today i.e. Ayatullah Sayyid Ali al- Sistani narrates the whole Shia adhaan in his famous book “Tawdheehil Masaa’el” but nowhere mentions Wiliyah of Ali to be part of it.  [al- Sistani in “The Islamic laws” English version of Tawdheehil Masaa’el, Page # 214]

The practice of Shias adding “Ash hadu ana Aliun Wali Ullah” goes against what their hadith books and eminent scholars say.

Haya ala Khayril Amal can be considered part of Adhaan as said by Shia and even Sunni sources.

Reconciliation: Just like we consider “As salatu Khayrum Minan naum” to be established, similarly Shia consider “Haya ala Khayril Amal” to be established.

Here are hadiths from Sunni literature which prove saying Haya ala Khayril Amal:

ورواه عبد الله بن عمر عن نافع قال كان بن عمر ربما زاد في أذانه حي على خير العمل ورواه الليث بن سعد عن نافع.

Translation: Ibn Umar used to add in his Adhaan “Haya ala Khayril Amal” This is narrated by Layth bin Saad from Nafi [Sunnan Bayhaqi al- Kubra, (1/424)]

It is also narrated form Imam Zayn ul Abideen [Sunnan Bayhaqi al Kubra (1/424)]

Hence, saying Haya ala Khayril Amal is proven from Sunni literature too.

Shias should abandon saying “Ash hadu ana Aliun Wali Ullah” in Adhaan as even their hadith books and scholars say that it is not part of Adhaan. On the other hand, Sunnis should accept that Haya ala Khayril Amal is considered part of Adhaan. No group should make this an issue of dispute as both practices are proven and Adhaan of both Sunnis and Shias is correct.

About Author:

Aamir Ibraheem

Aamir Ibrahim Al Hanafi

Islamic Researcher

Aamir Ibrahim al-Ash'ari is an Islamic researcher who sought and seeks knowledge in the company of great scholars. He is an author of many books and articles related to Islam and its defense. He follows Hanafi school in Fiqh. Ash'ari in creed, and is an admirer of Tassawuf.


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